Dark Journalist X-168: Karmic Crisis in World Predictions

Always the X.
Have a great evening everyone.


Folks, I regret that once again I had to leave Dark Journalist’s chatroom because, once again, he continues to misrepresent the facts of early church history regarding the doctrine of reincarnation. I cannot allow this to stand unchallenged and I did a small webinar in the members’ area in response to the first assertion that the doctrine was part of the early Christian faith, and that it was taught by people like Origen and Tertullian. PLEASE inform yourselves and do not rely on sources which contain no proper footnoting nor referencing. I have done a webinar in the members’ area citing the very sources so often used in support of the doctrine, and as the quotations will make clear, at NO time is there any unequivocal support for it and in fact, the consistent approach is that the doctrine is irrational. As I also point out, it is a species of the doctrine of original guilt PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE watch the webinar.


I didn’t finish watching DJ X158 so thank you for your response and reference to the reincarnation webinar which I appreciated very much (twice) … While in the webinars I also listened to your excellent presentation ‘The Fulfillment is the Deception’ … my inner guidance is to abstain from any form of original guilt or sin.


There was a DJ where near the end you answered questions from Olivia. You clearly explained the heresy of Dispensationalism (I am not sure of the spelling). It was very well done! You also mentioned to DJ that (if I heard you correctly) the book of Revelation is not read in the Orthodox Church and someday you would explain why. Can you summarize some of the salient points? I have been wondering about this for a while since I first heard you on that episode.

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It would be best to watch the webinar first, then perhaps I could explain in a vidchat question.


Thank you, Dr. Farrell,

I had dj on last night, but was not paying a lot of attention. I did wonder what you were thinking of all of the reincarnation talk. And I did look to see if you had left chat. Didn’t see you there anymore.

I’ve never been one to think much of reincarnation and after hearing you speak, I’m more confused than ever about anything concerning religion. I sometimes wish that you and dj could have a live discussion, without malice, etc., regarding these subjects. What does dj call it? A “gentleman’s discussion.”

I will listen to your webinar later today. Just brought significant other home from the hospital and he hasn’t been here for a month. So, waiting for things to quiet down a bit.

Thank you for posting that. I know I will gain some insight from it.


I have it. I will watch it later tonight. I wasn’t aware that you covered the Book of Revelation not being read in the liturgy of the Orthodox Church in that webinar. There is a lot of stuff I haven’t made the time for. Thank you :pray:

I tuned in about 20 minutes late and Daniel was noticeably hoarse and looking rather pale and not feeling well, although he did seem to snap out of it as time went on. After the lie about “Christian reincarnation”, I split as well. For almost 5 years, I read through all the early fathers, through Nicea and onward looking for 2 proofs, or lack thereof: a rapture doctrine and a reincarnation doctrine. Neither is to be found.

[26]For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself. [27]And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: [28]So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

Hebrews 9:26-28 KJV

Sermon this morning was on Hebrews Chapter 9. One life, one death, face God.


Well, theosophy, Steiner, Blavatzky, dare I say Casey, are a prime example of sophisticated version of Luciferianism. As fr. M. MARTIN, used to describe some of primates of RCC, they have a certain kind of wisdom, and light, but it is all reflection of somebody’s else light. :grin:

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“Well, theosophy, Steiner, Blavatsky, dare I say Casey, are a prime example of sophisticated version of Luciferianism”-… Nope, that’s just Trolling… you sound like the beaver… :laughing:

Excellent compliment! Thank you!

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Recomended reading by M. Martin " Hostage to Devil", also all his talks on Art Bell Show. Including one where Ingo Swan shows up.

All effective propaganda must be confined to a few bare necessities and then must be expressed in a few stereotyped formulas. - 'Dolf

… If one listens to DJ episodes closely one can detect quite a bit of informal fallacy use.
In this case I think argument could be made that here is an instance of the fallacy of
Irrelevant Authority. This fallacy is one of his frequent go-tos.

Here is a URL for a nice list with examples:

and from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy a longer and more detailed account:



thank you for saying something based on your considerable wisdom and studies.

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Well, thank you for the kind comment, but I really cannot claim any wisdom, and as for studies, what I talk about in the webinar is pretty much standard fare (or at least, WAS) in patristic studies.

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I see Daniel Liszt as a journalist with some quality, but I’ve always felt he has an agenda on his own, while he presents his work as free of agendas.
His adoration for Rudolf Steiner and the Waldorf school might originate from him being brought up in that system,I don’t know.
But I do feel it is something he has dwelled into himself.
He is a huge fan of David Bowie and in particular his “Crowley” era from the 70s, heavily influenced by androgyny, the channeling and cut up techniques in writing songs, together with the altered personas and the rest of it.
Isn’t he also a fan of the likes of Blavatsky?
At least Casey has made a huge impressions on him and he is presenting Gigi Young like a Casey incarnation almost at times.
I don’t really mind what he believes in personally, as long as I don’t feel Im being manipulated, and I usually don’t with DJ.
But I have noticed that he occasionally tries to get Joseph to confirm some of the information.
Not to a huge degree but it has happened , that i react to some claim he wants Joseph’s response to.
And it’s not the end of the world, as long as it isn’t in a manipulative way, and it usually isn’t.
Plus Joesph is no dummy; he would know when someone is trying to pull some stunts.
And DJ knows this too, so why bother trying, right?

DJ promised an episode on David Bowie, must have been a year or two ago, but I think he vaulted that one.
Probably for the reason that it would cross the line regarding what his audience would accept of “occult flirtation”.
I sure hope he isn’t planning on going all out “New age” on us.
I’ve noticed Olivia ( whom I understand is his girlfriend?) is dropping a lot of New age-ish stuff from the sideline there, so it’s probably not a stretch to think there’s some influences of that kind in the household.
But that would be speculation.
Hopefully he keeps the show the way it has been.
It would be sad to see him lose access to Joesph’s brilliant mind at least.
We need shows like that around.

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DJ is entertainment with a little history on the side. He should add the word “show” to his website for the naïve first time viewer.

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I was wondering where you went last Friday. I’m hoping that you keep on keeping things historically balanced with your knowledge and accuracy on Dark Journalist. I do study the Bible and the history of Christianity and appreciate your educated level of input on the Dark Journalist chatroom always. I hope you are there tonight again.

Yes but it is HIS chatroom, not mine. I address such issues here on this website. I have said as much as courtesy would allow me to say on HIS chatroom and show.