Dark Matter / Plasma?

I just saw this article " Simulation Reveals What Dark Matter Might Look Like if We Could See It". Just a quote from it:
" How do you study something invisible? This is a challenge that faces astronomers who study dark matter. Although dark matter comprises 85 percent of all matter in the Universe, it doesn’t interact with light. It can only be seen through the gravitational influence it has on light and other matter. To make matters worse, efforts to directly detect dark matter on Earth have been unsuccessful so far."

It looks as if “Dark Matter” is resembling a lot the “plasma universe”… The image that illustrates the article resembles a lot a number of plasma filaments.

I also found this odd “Dark Matter” simulator:


Supporting info for the ‘conscious plasma’ theory about the structure of non-atomic matter (dark matter) being same/similar to the human nervous system. Good find Ruigrazina!

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