Debunking U.S. Bankruptcy Myths

Once again the lying press and government aren’t telling the whole story.
Leave to Michael Hudson to drill it down in simple terms.


I did a quick read through the transcript and tried to follow the two guys’ arguments. As usual, Hudson makes some valid points. The other guy trashes capitalism and seems to like communism. I dunno . . . let’s just say the historical record of communism speaks for itself.

Just two things I think are important: Hudson says the government can’t go broke because it can print money. Technically, that’s true. The problem is, if the government prints too much money, you get price inflation – very bad for everybody except the very rich. And, at some point, people at home and overseas will stop wanting your currency if you print insane amounts of it.

The other issue is the whole “tax the evil rich” thing. Sure, there’s no reason the rich shouldn’t pay tax. But again, it’s an issue of calibrating things the right way. You can’t just totally soak the rich in taxes, since they’re rich enough to move their money and themselves out of the country – then you’re getting zero from them.

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There is actually no reason that the BANKS aren’t paying tax. They call themselves non-profit and if you understand fractional banking, that should bring you to your knees laughing… oh, and the BAR. They exempt themselves, too and just the criminal child trafficking going on in family court should make you mad enough to scream.

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I agree with you.
Wolff is an acquired taste - I have not developed, nor care to.
Usually in these dialogues; it’s Michael Hudson I focus on.
Hudson has a deep historical written knowledge of history
However; Hudson does try to stay off forbidden subject matters - that Dr. Farrell zeroes in on.
Dr. Farrell has deeper knowledge, in zones of histories that are not “kosher”.
Dr. Farrell prism; filters out - the agreed-upon-histories:
The lone assassin Oswald did it, - genres.
Dr. Farrell can connect the dots of disparate histories; that open new vistas of understanding.
Like his classic: Cosmic Wars.
Hudson worked for David Rockefeller; knows the dirty geopolitical landscape’s - their in’s & out’s.


Which is why Hudson stays out of the “taboo” subjects. He doesn’t want to be found in a bathroom with his bathrobe “belt-tie” around his neck… the Rockefeller “suicide” signature.


I didn’t know the thing about banks not paying tax! I guess I shouldn’t be surprised . . .

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