Democrats Vow To Buy Up Land Destroyed by ‘Mysterious’ Hawaii Wildfires - The


How does this get published so soon?


Sal – Found this in my email this morning:


Alicia, I received the same email👍 Thanks!

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Pretty sure “books” like this are written by AI( for ex ChatGPT4+), and planted by bots with fake human names…


Thanks WuWu, never ran across this before.


Sal, I woke up with the word: Pearl. My grandfathers would know the details, but I think it means … (free associating as I awakened)…
US leaders (including Roosevelt) had covert foreknowledge of the Japanese attack on Pearl …on the Day of Infamy, December 7. That attack on our shores… rallied the antiwar US citizens into WWII. Hawaii was not a
US state at that time, rather a territory, I think. I’ll look it up…
Coffee please.

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I’ve heard the same. Enjoy your coffee.

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And thanks to that provoked attack on Hawaii, and the financially rewarding war that followed, the UN was formed and has control over Hawaii and Alaska (and Manhattan and 30 miles of Mexican border).

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Correction: Pearl Harbor was the 7th. I remember now… The 8th of December…is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of St. Mary…
The Seed of the Woman (Jesus) will crush the head of the serpent (the Father of lies) …to redeem the Pearl (humans) of Great Price (the Blood of His Mercy)…


According to Amazon, it was published Aug. 10th, before the fires ended. Either someone is trying to tell us something, trying to warn us of such treachery, or this is just “sending a message” as organized crime does in order to bully and intimidate. I think the later is the case and we are dealing with an international criminal syndicate that has so fully infiltrated every powerful country in the world, especially the USA. The space force HQ is in Hawaii and if they really wanted to protect us from space weapons that are probably being used against us, they could. Our tech is used against us while the legislature is throwing our economy against the wall. They built us up after WWII to take us down. The Have’s and the Have Not’s. I’m reading Perloff’s “Truth is a Lonely Warrior” and this is no secret for those who choose to open their eyes.


They needed the middle class to successively research, develop, manufacture and deploy technology. Gunpowder, printing press, steam, steel, oil, industry, electricity, radio, TV, semiconductors, computers, communications all seem to have moved us into the condition we find ourselves right now.

With advanced, borderless technologies in place (6G, AI, DEWs, cloud, satellite, etc.,) so many people are no longer needed.

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While I agree with Dr. Clauser’s declaration that “man-made climate change is a hoax perpetuated by the global elite,” it doesn’t seem that he and other “climate-change denier” scientists believe that the climate is indeed being changed by geoengineering.

They properly refute data in elite reports like those from the IPCC but fail to address the obvious and increasing severity and erratic nature of storms and weather patterns that devastate the planet on a daily basis.

Geoengineering is happening on a global, deadly scale, be it the UN, weather wars, alien-controlled weather, AI… I don’t know who in particular is doing it, but it IS REAL. It is also evil and needs called out as the PRIMARY mechanism for the climate change hoax. His Nobel Prize pedigree rings hollow with me.

EDIT: Understand, I do appreciate anyone who can refute IPCC data. We each bring something to the table. But time and again when we DO get someone credible who can refute the elitist climate-change mantra, they never include geoengineering. Even MIT Meteorology Professor Emeritus Dr. Richard Lindzen (whom I’ve quoted for his statements about “The Science” versus “Science”) failed to mention it during an interview with Alex Newman over at the New American. It has crossed my mind that they are part of controlled opposition.


Yeah…The recent outpouring of public concessions, albeit partially welcome in content, seem to have the intended effect of chilling out the mark. Unwitting, or not, the well-meaning and credentialed can be used to eclipse the proximate intents of their upline handlers, lowering the vigilance of the public with plausible explanations …oh, ok, we’re good now. At the other extreme, the search for demons behind every syllable, on and off the record, can become so absorbing that hubris sets in, missing truth and trust altogether, giving those handlers yet another form of complicity through the sheer intensity of searching and sorting lies. The topic of Nobel prizes is yet another thread. Thanks for your thoughts.


Thanks for looking into this further, as I did not. I see your point and am a firm believer in geoengineering and have read Elana Freeland’s new book. Perhaps, these “mainstream” faces in the news cycle fear some hidden hand and don’t dare to venture too far from their comfort zone. After all, just flying against the grain on this one point is bound to produce some conintelpro type shenanigans in their personal lives, if not in the public. This was dramatized in the made for TV movie, “Brotherhood of the Bell” that shares the same title as one of JPF’s books, but is not about the Nazi project and centers on something like the Illuminati secret organizations that dominate our higher academic institutions such as Yale.

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