"...desperately random; like the elaboration of a bad liar."

@Sal2lee I thought about you when I watched Feisty Cat in the video I’ve attached below. She is the only person I follow when it comes to Q stuff, as she’s been in it from the beginning, not a ‘secret’ anon (BS), but up front in discussion. You asked on one of Bill’s threads about some guy named Ivin? (forgot last name), I responded ‘Q’ and this is why I thought of you. In this video, she introduces ideas and presents information that I haven’t heard anyone else present in quite the same way. Forget about the others in the video, esp. Joe; (who is at least smart enough to give Feisty a platform). I have to slow the speed to 0.75 to catch all she says. When you watch it, you’ll understand why I pulled the quote from Silence of The Lambs. Personally, I don’t think there’s a ‘plan’ to take down TDS, as the true DS is worth at least $700T (as Billy Carson is correct about, maybe more). We’re not talking paper money, except that they own the banks…all the banks. Their assets are all over the map, literally.

Start 59:10 through 1:48:00. If you want to skip the Biden video when it starts, you can forward to min. 1:20:10. Bo’s cancer, the laptop, the diary, and on it goes. “…like the elaboration of a bad liar.” Given the circumstances, some fakes here? Make of it what you will, but Feisty does present some real food for thought.

@beaver thanks, I will check these out.

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@beaver my head is spinning🤪. Feisty is something else. I honestly couldn’t keep up with her. I’ve been out of the Q & Anon stuff way too long. I’ll tell you one thing, I’m really sick and tired of this show. Thanks again for the vid Beaver.

BTW I vaguely remember that Ivan person🤔

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Oh, I’m with ya. Like I said, I have to slow the audio to catch what she’s saying and process it. I like the way Feisty thinks; she can remove herself from the obvious narrative(s) and consider other possibilities.

What I find interesting is the family member deaths, like Beau, who I agree, would have likely run for office. On the Trump side, there’s Robert and Ivana. It tells me ‘they’ have captured both sides.

Unfortunately, the show continues. The only way I can see to get out of this is the kind of action that one sees in other places, and it’s ugly; but where do we go from there? That’s where so many countries have gotten themselves into an even worse fix.

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Like I said, I follow @FriendsFeisty and saw this one today. Not that I can hold anyone to their ‘word’, but hope people do.


@beaver that Feisty woman doesn’t interest me one bit (and the company she keeps). Remember when I said I was on 4chan when pizzagate broke? Well here’s a little sound bite from back in those days. At the end of the article tell me if you know who that man is. He’s what got the ball rolling.

Edit…graphic language.

@Sal2lee I completely understand and was also there when pizzagate broke. Keeping track of someone and believing them are 2 different things. I’m not interested in the back and forth either, just tracking. My apologies, I will not post this info to you again.

No problem, I’m just letting you know how I feel. :blush: