Divide et impera... What happened to the Roman Church in Hispanic America?

The politics of the United States towards Hispanic America was one of Protestantism. In other words, make the Roman Catholic world Protestant. Very early on, they started sending Protestant missionaries. This was not a secret policy, President Roosevelt while visiting Argentina said that the US could never dominate Hispanics until Roman Catholicism was eliminated and become Protestant. The American establishment started a systemic policy that was well financed, well organized, sending Protestant preachers to all Hispanic America.

The United States knows that the two agglutination factors of the Hispanic world are 1) Language 2) Religion. The language was brought by Spain. The Religion was brought by Spain. The British sunk the Spanish empire but the building blocks of the civilization were there. Without the language and religion Hispanic America dissolves. By the way
 every time the word “Latin America” is used, that is fomenting further balkanization and creating MS 13 gangs and drug cartels. It all starts with words, but I’m not diving into this.

This policy was very successful because it was well financed and converted many people to Protestantism. When I was growing up, there was still a Roman Catholic culture. There was still a unified topological space in the communities. Slowly, as Protestantism started spreading the social space started to break down, communities no longer shared the same worship and traditions.

That also started a phenomenon, where the Roman Catholic church started to become Protestant. Vatican II changed the liturgy, vestments and ritual in the Roman Church. The institution started loosing it’s own identity that made them what they were. For example, one of the biggest tragedies is practically the conversion of a large part of Brazil to Protestantism. Very catastrophic because is a social problem, it breaks the substantial unity among Hispanic Americans.

Is not all doom and gloom, this also had a positive effect, because as the Roman Church dedicated itself to make social works like Hospitals, Universities, Orphanages, many people were left out, and the Protestants reached a lot of people in poor communities. They took a lot of people out drugs, prostitution, and the social fabric more or less started to be repaired.

There is something that I could identify as positive among protestants. Many of them became defenders of the Hispanic World as a civilization. Why? It takes 12 years to form a Jesuit Priest. It takes 6 years to form a Roman Catholic Priest. It only takes 6 months to form a Protestant and not much study is required. Since they don’t study that much, and they are essentially good people, they don’t know who was Martin Luther. They don’t know who was Calvin. They don’t know much about them, and they become quasi protestant which is a good and bad thing. The good part many protestants became defenders of the Hispanic world, Spanishness and contributions to our civilization. The bad part,they are practicing a Christianity that never existed, that’s the problem.

The Roman Church on the other hand, didn’t defend Spanishness, and that is very retarded because by not doing that they are not defending themselves. Hopefully that will change when the Roman church gets new leadership and brings back that church to its traditional liturgy and ritual. There are many padres, many fathers in South America, not happy and want a change of the current state of affairs. All those photos are Roman Catholic churches across South America.








I hear your argument, i understand your argument, and i actually agree with your assessment!! I DISagree with how you define the demoralizing force! Your saying it’s the protestant forces from america that destroyed your Spanish Catholic Culture?

I think what i’m trying to say is that the demoralizing aspect of the culture, comes from the demoralizing of everything, not just the church, or one aspect of the church upon another. In other words the “demoralizing” is coming from a structured hierarchy from outside of all of society! Maybe, just as an example, “a Nazi International” i suppose would be a good name for it. However, if your following the story, and in my opinion, it goes further back, Vipers of Venice! The Nazi international/Bilderberg/Davos/WEF/ etc etc, is just the latest adaptation.

PS. Beautiful photo’s there!

The subordination process of Hispanic America started way before the United States was even born, but North America certainly continued the practice. You are dealing with an empire that was sunk by the British and fragmented as a result. The Black Legend (the idea that Spaniards were evil incarnate) was central for the construction of British power. This was key for the breakup of the Spanish empire. A geopolitical imperial action carried out by Great Britain. They didn’t create the Black Legend, they took it from Italy and Holland. The Black Legend started in Italy as an anecdote. The Italians deep down were jealous of Spain, because the Italians felt they were the rightful heirs of the Roman empire and they were not leading the historical events in the New World. In Holland that took a religious spin but it was in Great Britain where this was made their state policy.

The British were practicing cultural imperialism. In other words, State (A) makes the political elite of State (B) believe a predetermine ideology or philosophy. In other words, make State (B) do what State (A) wants, without State (A) directly telling them. Great Britain could not beat Spain militarily and began a process of subordination among the elites. This is 100% true with Hispanic American elites.

The subordination of the Hispanic American elites, have four parts or four legs.

  1. Hispanic phobia - Promote hate towards Spain among the Hispanic American elites using the narrative of the Black Legend. They stole all the gold, rape and plundered the land, etc.

  2. Free trade - Why Great Britain wanted to promote free trade? Because the British elite was the first in the world, that was self aware about how they constructed their national power. Very often elites are not conscious about how their economic and national power was built. The British oligarchy knew that their economic power was the result of having a ferocious protectionist policy. This has never been seen in the history of mankind. They are the cradle of state interventionism in the economy. Since the British oligarchy understood this, what can we do, so that others don’t reach the same level of economic power? Preach free trade. To sell the idea of free trade you have to give it scientific backing. To make an error function in history, you have to wrap that error with truth. When people buy the truth, they also buy the error. 90% of Adam Smith is truth, 10% is fatal error and that’s how the idea spread. Free trade prevents industrialization, that’s why Britain spread this nonsense and this was deliberate and particularly directed to the elites in Hispanic America.

  3. Nationalism - The process of making the newly form republics of Hispanic America believe that each of them existed as an ontological entity. That Peru always existed before Spain. That Mexico always existed. That they were a metaphysical entity predating the Spanish empire. The truth of the matter none of those entities ever existed, because we were all Spaniards and we were all Spain. Great Britain promoted several wars in South America fomenting that sense of territoriality and nationhood. They were key for cementing the balkanization.

  4. Religion - Roman Catholicism is the foundational faith of Hispanic America. Catholic Christianity was attacked from all sides by the British. Through masonry, protestant religion, etc. Most of the “revolutionaries” were Freemasons financed by the Great Britain. The first phase was done by the British but the real subordination was continued by the United States. President Roosevelt was instrumental.

Nothing to do with Nazis, and everything to do with Anglo Protestant illuminism. This is not discussed in American academia because is not convenient, they don’t want to go there. We were an empire that was the envy of the rest of the world and for those reasons it was sunk. There is a reason US has military bases in South America and not paying a dime. There is a reason you got people crossing the border.

I have been watching Hispanic meltdown videos about the deportations. People crying and just talking all kinds of nonsense. The evangelical Hispanics are sad to watch. They don’t understand their religion. They do understand all of the prejudices and believe only them will get save. They have all sort of Calvinist explanations “if you are chosen by God you won’t get deported.”

The people that are secular are worst. 😭 They need us to pick their cotton and clean their toilets. 😭 How can they do this to us.

We are a subordinated culture and this didn’t happened organically. Hispanics are a conquered people and they have lost all sense of self and respect for themselves. They need to gain their history and identity back to realize we are a glorious civilization. And we are getting it all back! President Trump is God gift to Hispanic America. Deport everybody Mr. President. If anyone in the administration is reading this, 100% tariff on all Hispanic American imports. This is actually what we need right now.

The cultural imperialism on indigenous cultures is a fact of history. It continues to this day. The Europeans are now the natives as immigrants flood their shores.

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I agree there have been imperial cultural subordination but there are nuances. In defense of the British Empire, I think King George III was a good guy. The King of England was looking at our glorious Spanish American empire. We had a beautiful population, sprawling cities, Indians were free, had property, education, interracial marriage since 1513. UNESCO celebrates World Book Day in the memory of three writers; William Shakespeare, Miguel de Cervantes, and :point_right: Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. That’s the type of education the Spanish Empire provided in the University of Peru.

During that time, George III was at war with France, and made an alliance with the Indians to help him fight the French. The British won that war and king George III decided to compensate the Indians that helped him with protection, lands and rights. That didn’t go well with the colonials because they wanted to expand and take those lands from the Indians. They wanted to kill everybody and King George III was standing in the way. In my opinion is a top tier reason for the American Revolution.

Look at the two pictures, see if you can figure it out. The man on the left is the great grandson of Geronimo! The Indian rebel who fought exceptional baby American expansionism. His name is Alfonso Borrego and he is a defender of Hispanic America and the legacy of our Spanish Empire. He has given speeches to the King of Spain and Spanish Parliament. Geronimo was Catholic wore a cross and spoke Spanish. Geronimo told his sons, how they lived with no problem with the Spaniards. The North American Indians were part of our empire. Our empire went from Tierra del Fuego, south to Alaska, and across the Mississippi. We taught the Indians how to ride their horses. Tlaxcalteca Indians from Mexico, conquered the Philippines. In other words, the grandsons of the tribe that helped Hernån Cortés, became the conquistadors. We were doing trade with the Ming Empire way before the East Indies Company decided to become a nation.

I see a lot of American propaganda wanting to include the Hispanic World and our empire in the genocide of native Americans. Like let’s “share the blame” Don’t include us, the deliberate systematic industrial scale killing of Indians happened in North America with exceptional baby and their Protestant Illuminism. I wrote it before and write it again, the Hispanic empire was the better offer to the world.

Yes! Again, we totally agree. However, who was this “British Empire” and were did it come from?

In the days of Roman conquest, the roman’s simply built a wall to keep out the rabble to the north. Meaning there was no “British Empire” north of the wall. In fact it wasn’t until after the Romans leave we start to see any kind of Monarchy start to be established and only after a series of “invasions,” Viking, other scadinavian areas, the Normandy invasion being the final one that kind of creates the island kingdom.

The “British Empire” your talking about was not something completely organic to the British isle’s. In my opinion that’s the story here, this “group” morphing from one cultural area to another; leaving bits of itself as it moves thru time, later having to battle those bits in the future, that is your “corrupting influence.”