Here’s how we’re waking up in this house:
I wake up and stretch some arms and legs and hear a deep sigh from the 4paw next to me, telling me to calm the heck down, we’re in no hurry here, no reason to panic, we can sleep like… Longer!
Unless someone needs to go, then I get to wake up to the surprisingly extremely cute operation a 55kg Rottecorso pulls off when jumping up and down on your chest, like it’s trying to kickstart my heart or something.
The personalities of these dogs are incredible.
Thank you so much! And please accept our condolences for your loss.
Thank you! They do indeed live on in our hearts!
2021…that´s like “very recent” in “lost a dog years”.
You have all my sympathy Sal2lee.
Thank you so much Sphinx! Still can’t make the decision on getting another doggie.
Sorry for your loss
Theres not enough potato-firewater in the world for these situations.
I sometimes wonder if “time helps” or if Im just getting used/numb to the feeling of missing the 4paw.
Either way it sure leaves a humongous hole in our hearts when they go.
When they gave my last dog the final shot; I don´t know where i got that strength from ,being there for him and not freaking out.
The vet said it was volunteer to be there with him, many choose not to.
I mean, who would send their loved ones to the other side alone?
Can you imagine being a 4paw and your owner leaves you the moment you need them the most?
Oh, it takes time, for sure!
I needed almost 5 years before i was ready.
And I always thought Id adopt another dog almost immediately after almost.
Boy, was I wrong about that one.
But when you feel ready I hope you get a lovely time again with another 4paw.
Never a replacement, but an addition of joy in your life.
Have the best of days-Wrooff
@Sphinx As hard as it is, we seem to muster up the courage to be their with them. Love is so great. I wouldn’t want it any other way. Oscar was on my husband’s lap and i was holding his little head kissing on his snout while the doc slowly did it and Oscar appeared so content and fell asleep with love and comfort all around him.
A 4paw job well done !
The adoptee I have now, Nemi, was kicked around with broken ribs as result at the age of just weeks old.
When she came to my place she wanted to make a good impression I guess; she didn@t go the first 5 days. At all !
Then I woke up to a dog lying in the corner, shaking of fear.
When I go the kitchen I see it, she couldn´t hold it anymore and had to go. But she did so as close as possible to the front door,so as if to say " Hey, I would have gone out you know, but the door was there and everything"
Anyways; we had a talk with lots of cuttles and she understood she wouldn´t be beaten and kicked for stuff here,and after that day she´s been exemplary in every way, every day.
And let me tell you; an adoptee who loves you will do anything for you.
I have never gotten so much love from a dog, she´s sure to tell me on the daily!
It got long; Im sorry, but I just love that 4paw so mucho mucho:)
Have a nice day you
I have a job you know!
I had 2 rescues, both were wonderful and really blessed us. My daughter said they lived for my approval. Always amazed me how loving they were, in spite of their traumatic start to life. I miss all my furkids.
Kelly, Murphy and Willow waiting to come in the house a few years ago… I only have Willow now and a new dog named Katie. Kelly and Murphy are buried in our yard and we miss them very much.