Originally published at: DOGE WANTS TO AUDIT FORT KNOX GOLD

You might have noticed that this past week I’ve been blogging chiefly about computers, money, and so on, and today is no different. So many of you sent me versions of this story that I have to blog about it, with my thanks to all of you who sent this. Elon Musk and DOGE have…


… an audit of the gold “in” Fort Knox is nothing more than a pipe dream. Just recently on a web site dealing with all things gold I read an article containing a table showing the amount of time it would take to do a proper audit of the number of bars claimed to be held in Fort Knox. It was years … not the 9-10 months as claimed by DOGE.
One of the interesting points made by the article that I recall was that each bar would have to be scanned to determine uniform density throughout the bar and each bar would need to be drilled to check for tungsten surrounded by gold and the like. This job is TOO BIG TOO BE DONE CORRECTLY.
… as I wrote in another post … It might be interesting to threaten to lay siege to the Swiss Banks and observe the activity. That might tell us much more than an “audit”. There is at this point no purpose in the “audit show” in that the “trust molecule” required for such communication no longer exists because it was squandered over the last 75 years on the frivolous and unnecessary.

With apologies to Aesop and Epimenides … from the Fable “The Government Who Cried Trust Us”. There once was a government that was bored as it sat on Capital Hillside watching over the Nation’s sheep. To amuse itself on many, many occasions on many, many issues it sent out Epimenides and he took a great breath and sang out loudly to the Sheep, “Oh Sheep, oh sheep trust us unquestioningly no matter what we say!” … fast forward … When the Government truly needed the Sheep’s help the Sheep were exhausted from answering so many previous calls to action in the interests of the Government and the Sheep said to Epimenides “We’ll help you with this issue in the morning,” and putting their arms around Epimenides they said to him, “Nobody believes a liar…even when he is telling the truth!”

No one in their right mind would believe anything contained in an audit report of Fort Knox. Although, come to think of it, the “audit show” might serve a useful purpose in separating the “goats from the sheep”. Those who claim to believe the audit would have to be judged as being clearly irrational and not capable of self government.


Like so many symbols of power, it is the symbol and the belief in it more than what it actually represents that matters.

How many people are walking around with gold plated wedding rings, happy as a pig in a poke!

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… and in the “gold setting” a wonderful “cultured diamond”.

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Gold experts must be thin on the ground these days, like piano tuners! A lost arcane art in a modern era of digital blips.

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… I recall a scene from a B apocalyptic movie where one of the characters is appealing to one of the local warlords for water and supplies. The Warlord asks him what he has to barter for the water and supplies. The character pulls out a bag filled with gold dust and pours some into the Warlords hand. The Warlord takes a close look at it and pours it onto the ground. The Warlord looks back at at him and says, “I cannot eat or drink this.”


Now THAT is absolute gold wisdom.

Ah yes you can’t eat or drink gold powder. But, it’s one of the most sought after metals for industrial purposes and it has some very interesting properties that other metals simply don’t have.

Gold is ideal for use in electronic applications for space craft and for shielding purposes … just saying.

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… if the NYT is saying buy gold …you know you shouldn’t buy gold.

So Muleskinner should I buy gold?
General, you go into that market and buy gold!

Since you mentioned Aesop’s fables…

It seems to me we’re playing out a version of “Fox that lost its tail”, just substitute gold for tail.

They’ve long since absconded with most of the gold/wealth. Now they’re doing their best to convince everyone that we never needed it…

I’m with Hank Williams Jr on this one:


I was just imagining the DOGE team walking into Fort Knox, this scene came to mind!


Old propaganda pieces but thought them apropos.

If we pay attention to the amount of cameras in and around the Vault facility at Ft Knox, then perhaps a review of the tapes would be in order also… I mean the only way to move gold is with heavy equipment, that should be clearly visible on the video, unless the feed was cut, in which case… ah ha!!! fraud right there, and full personnel audit authorized.

I’ll agree with your Conclusion Dr. Farrell, what good would a computer audit do us with years of fraudulent “cooking of the books,” or if you were the data trail of bits and bytes?

This guy has been digging into the official audit documents with FOIA, low and behold only 4of 13 reports were available… hmmm



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to quote a funny movie, “i don’t speak your freaky deaky dutch baby!”

What does that say?

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I believe the note said,

"Dear Chief Secretary, I’m afraid there is no money.

Kind regards - and good luck! Liam."



  1. Gold skyrockets in price (it is worth more fiat dollars than before)
  2. US states start buying bullion
  3. Gold bullion is being shuffled around in various institutions
  4. The US is suddenly “auditing” their reserves in Ft Knox

There are probably more “new” gold activities that than, but that is enough.

Maybe it has been said already…

but is all of this falling into place to facilitate another confiscation of gold from the public, like FDR did in '33?

Like Forrest Gump, I am not very smaw-aht; nor am I savvy enough to read the economic tea leaves and make my own predictions. Any thoughts out there?

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i’m pretty ignorant myself -

Facts (loose usage of the term) as I can see them:
1 There’s no PUBLIC agreement on how much is on earth, or where?
2 NY is mostly futures market (some gold there but credited to accounts and paper/physically swapped)?
3 LBMA is mostly ‘physically traded’ but has long been expected to fail any large holding for delivery?
4 Ft Knox is famous and holds “american” gold and hasn’t really been audited in a long arse time?
5 outside of a money standard/value standard (arguable) it has properties that make it useful in tech – electric/space/keeping the annunaki alive on their planet.
6 middle ages storing/book-keeping it/lending 9X more than exists is the myth of our banking system start
7 there are myths about gold treasure – nazi gold, japanese gold, indian gold, chinese gold. Possibly america grabbed one or two of those and used it and infinite rehypothication to fund R&D and UAPs and black budget spy noodles for many years.

American political choices have swung things hugely in time. Closing gold window. Convertibility. Gold standard. Judy Shelton talks about ‘throwing gold on the curve’ with long term bonds partially redeemable in gold – as a way to 1 remonitize gold 2 reprice gold more in line with what investors think/hope/claim it’s worth 3 possible reduce debt burdens (but that last one is a problem).

And no one is real sure who/what is making stuff occur at this, post trump election space with LBMA crunch, DOGE audit ft knox stories, commercial flights sending the stuff to NYC, prices going up only.
Does that cover it? Did I miss anything major?

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I’m agreeing with Scarmange on this…until there is some sort of understanding/agreement on the total tonnage that exists, any discussion/actions about (re)monetizing gold into the financial system are foolish. On point 7 assume one or more of these ‘sources’ are valid and entities did ‘sell’ it to fund x and y over the years…someone bought it, and stored it and can re-surface it and own the world because of their stash. It didn’t just disappear…it’s still out there lurking to cause chaos when gold is re-monetized. BTW, I’m a metals fan, so don’t mis interpret my cynicism here.

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There is never going to be an agreement on the total tonnage on the planet.

  1. We can’t account for every gram that was pulled out of the ground, no one is going to have that answer.
  2. How do we know it’s all on the planet to begin with?
  3. We have no idea how much is left in the ground.

As soon a we come up with the agreement, then your scenario unfolds,

Then once we do set gold up as the bases for money, then it true value becomes obvious, it skyrockets in worth? I been under the assumption gold value has been kept artificially low for a while now.


According to Bob Dean we have been giving it to the Annunaki as they ingest it in some form??? There are so many “others” involved with Humanity at this point that it is anyone’s guess as to what is REALLY going on!! Great Show in the White House yesterday!! :rofl: