Doug LaMalfa Delivers Epic Rant Against Extreme Leftist (communistic) Gavin Newsom On The House Floor

California is a beautiful state. It is just that the CCP(Chinese Communist Party) influence and corruption, as well as communist, socialists, leftists of all kinds, have been able to get in control of our governments. Our country is also at risk at the federal level. Live the best life you can and keep up the good fight in whatever way you can.


:coffee::coffee: Good morning, blue…will listen tonight, after patients.

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I’m starting to wonder if whenever the ‘West’ points the finger at the CCP in Beijing, they’re really talking about their CCP allies in Taiwan. The globalists got what they wanted from Beijing, except control of the Chinese ‘puppet strings’. Chinese central banking, from what little I understand, is under the control of a national banking system not a privately owned central bank. Hence, Taiwan becomes a ‘foot in the Chinese door’ for ‘the west’…another Youcrane.

  • The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has, or has had, ties to 143 school districts in the United States, including 20 near military bases, through its “Confucius Classrooms,” according to a recent report, “Little Red Classrooms: China’s Infiltration of American K-12 Schools” by Parents Defending Education (PDE), a grassroots organization.
  • Attention to Confucius Institutes has mainly been centered around colleges and universities, but less so on K-12 education. This means that Chinese state propaganda is probably now pretty much all over American K-12 classrooms.

There’s one on Inglewood Avenue on a street route to the freeway to Torrance. They have a sign out in the front of the school.

Not to mention the outright money, bribes and donations to American politicians, etc.

The “CCP allies” are everywhere not just Taiwan.

Canada’s government of all places.

I don’t know if it is true but I understand that the majority of Taiwanese support the CCP.
Another criminal waste of American taxpayer money.

Yes, we have plenty of home grown marxists. The CCP influencers are just a part of the problem.