Dr Jack Kruse .. Well worth a listen .. some history connections and more


Uncle Jack better stick to medicine, geopolitics is not his strongest suit. I got the feeling that RFK-J steered him away from Nazi International toward Mossad as far as assassination of JFK and RFK, since he has been on the case of Israeli intel agency and completely disregards (no knowledge?) involvement of that pesky extraterritorial group of minions.
One thing he is most likely right (he is a great specialist in light as a medicine) that SV40 in covid jabs paired with 5G radiation all over in environment is already causing huge increase in turbo cancers.

The Mossad seems to be an element with the given Nazi matrix set of characters. Kruse is ok, for some things, but his physics is shite.


Seems many have a different assemblage of the puzzle pieces. Me? I like looking at and hearing about the different pictures on the box.


Please elaborate, “his physics is a shite”

He appeals to a standard 20th century interpretation of QED and then hilariously attempts to reconcile it with Einsteinian Relativity. He has not the faintest idea what “light” actually is. He’s a dolt and frankly the more I hear from him the more he appears to be compromised to some degree and pushing a narrative.


Unfortunately, I concur. The more I listen to his even medical staff the more I see cherry picking on issues of light as a medicine. Couple of years ago everything was related to melanopsin and red light now melanin and UVB and UVA are a key driver of optimal health. He gets infatuated with one biochemical/biophysical process at the time and loses a greater picture.

Until a few days ago I’d never heard of Dr Kruse. Having listened to him on the ‘Coffee and a Mike’ podcast, and the podcast above, he comes across as the latest iteration of a ‘Dr Robert Malone’ style character. I think he’s more about narrative shaping and control, cherry picking elements of hot-button issues and dropping conspiratorially familiar names, most of which have been detailed on other sites, while speaking with a degree of forceful certainty that seems to be the primary means of shaping narrative today. Someone to be highly cautious of I think.


It is unfortunately getting worse. He is close to running a cult. He calls his followers “my tribe” For now I will only read the links to the studies he posts on his X account with watchful eye for his interpretation.


In 2014, while occupying Kruse’s forum, I came across a set of posts he had literally ripped off from my own facebook page regarding an obscure biochemist by the name of Gilbert Ling. He is in fact an incorrigible plagiarist. Of course, he blocked by access to the site afterwards. At that point, I discovered Kruse had a long … long history of total fascination with professional sports, in particular the NFL – just consider that alone. Beyond that, Kruse clearly had a gambling problem and was renowned in NFL online forums for making and selling his “predictions” not unlike he “predictions” are being sold now. You need only listen to him interact with an interviewer briefly to grasp he is utterly self-absorbed and narcissistic. Nothing about him is true nor kind, nor attractive.

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Did not know about this guy he sounds interesting. Thanks for the reference.

Which specific kabuki theater actor killed JFK is not as important as why he was killed.

The Templar/Rosicrucian successors play this silly game with Bnai Brith on the one hand, and Theosophists on the other.

Biblical old testament traditionalism, the great debt jubilee through war, and the eastern wind (swastika, tartaria, kubdalini energy etc…) reviving the phoenix after it burns itself out… These are the necessary and recurrent ingredients of every great war. Its been going on since the wars of religion, through the enlightenment, the world wars, and now this strange psychological+kinetic WW3 we are in today. This time they might finally release that zero point technology, after mankind goes through their trial.

Useful idiot.
He swallowed a designated narrative; leading up to: bitcoin is your savoir.
Some very interesting tidbits, along the crypto-bit road.
It’s saving grace, is exposing medical tyranny; as the agreed-upon model - being used by the NWO.


@Robert_Barricklow Yes! … it was the tidbits that interested me … Dr. Mary Sherman … Lee Harvey Oswald and MV40 …

I am glad you said it first Omni. :grin: He is in fact most likely quite dangerous malignant narcissist. A lot of MDs in surgical specialties are. The so-called God Syndrome they fall for. None the less I follow him only for med news on X, don’t even bother with his own website forum.

Yes Freefall!
The listen was worth it for those hidden gems, like MV40

Kruse is useful for the tidbits mentioned by many in the thread, his nature is readily apparent in any interview you might view. He is absolutely convinced of the proprietary nature of everything that he communicates, most of which he ripped off from his public intelligence forum, from individuals like me.

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The info I heard was already “out there” in various bits. I’ve heard they all from different sources and various times, but then I’m in my 70’s now.