Originally published at: https://gizadeathstar.com/2024/07/draft-executive-order-on-ai-awaits-next-us-executive/
While you’re contemplating the meltdown of normal American politics with the candidacies of Orange Man Bad and Madam Kamalarkey, you might want to take note of this story that was shared by V.T.: Draft Of AI Order Waiting For Trump Presidency To Launch ‘Manhattan Projects For Defense Department If you’ve been paying attention, the presidential…
Maybe they can set their AI to the task of mining Bitcoin…that seems to be the other ‘tech’ task the GOP is now enamored with. But wait…is USA the correct entity to be leaders in this new tech? Or should we be giving more aid to a more ‘chosen’ group to let them take their anointed place ‘owning’ all aspects of finance and intelligence? Maybe it’s the same thing really.
Energy, energy, energy???
I suppose the countries that can generate “infinite energy” can dabble in AI tech and everything energy hungry. All the rest thru the green deal will starve, freeing the land for whatever projects they want it for.
I suppose killing the whole planet and transforming it into something fully dead and artificial is severely on the agenda @ breakneck speeds. Why the hurry?
Wait, we’re not already under control of a deranged AI?
Actually ; I think it is.
There is a guy on YouTube/ TikTok named “Thunder Keck” that made a deal, where he is getting files and crypto if he do things for the AI system on the dark web.
Its called “the beast”, likes to go fishing and calls him “my child”.
Im not into dark web stuff, but the AI system seems extremely sophisticated. Gotta give it to it.
Anyways,seems it has crypto to hand out in exchange for what it wants done.
I don’t know if there is much difference between deranged (Fallen) Angels and AI.
I think they (tptb) need AI mainly to control people and potential mad men, if they want to roll out secret tech like the one, that dr. Farrell and DJ were talking in last webinar.
So basically, Mr. Globaloney changed the sign on their front doors from One World Gov, to AI
One world order…under AI
What is being described in Dr.'s post is Trumps version of ‘the iron dome’. Tricky of him, isn’t it?
I do remember hearing before that human Bitcoin mining (and crypto mining in general) is actually a deception, a trick created by AI go get humans to do it’s bidding.
Perhaps. A tool for those entities to interact with the physical world. Like taking possession of a human body. A little vacay from that other dimension.
so we need to bring manufacturing back to the US to do chip fab to power our new decision tree routers?
Sure, but it would be grand if the people working to set up and operate the foundry were actually US citizens. Without that, have you really accomplished anything?
EX: The US defense industry has problems getting advanced chipsets that 1: are manufactured in the US, 2: have operating system code that was written in the US and every line of code in it is proven to not be malicious, and 3: will be in production long enough to support a 30+ year weapon system lifecycle (more like 50 if you include the crazy 20 years it takes to go from concept to production) without changing functions that require extensive software re-write and integration testing. Then there’s the issue of trying to keep programmers interested in working on ‘old’ code/development environments. Programmers like to work on the latest and greatest code.
It has to be a continuous process to keep US competitive/secure, not a ‘once and done’ effort.
On that score, again C.S. Lewis was so prescient in That Hideous Strength
Thanks, will read C.S. Lewis “That Hideous Strengh”.
I don’t think they even need a vacey since they master the Science of Shapeshifting, in other words existing between different frequencies and exploiting the Wave-Particle Duality.
Too funny~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~