If you’ve been watching the geopolitical rhetoric flying between incoming president-elect Trump, the outgoing Bai Den Jao regime, and its masters in Beijing, you might have come across the story about China suspending all trade in gallium and some other heavy metals to the USA amid Mr. Trump’s “tough tariff talk”. (I’d be tempted to…
“Ecuadorian President Bukele” - El Salvador LOL. Not Ecuador
I for one am quite weary of Bukele. The miracle of hunting down cartels who run the country for decades is suspicious. For several decades El-Salvador was a playing field of CIA. My assumption is that without Clowns In Action help that would be impossible. And there is that cryptic words of Trump himself during RNC convention when he wasn’t crazy about former cartel members clumped up in one place and ready to be deployed at the whim to the southern border for example.
Yep, looks like doc doesn’t read comments too often.
Time for a well deserved holiday vacation for him…maybe that was the other message he was sending. You know, dual purposing…
lol… no dual purposing. It was a simple mistake as often happens. You get one thing in your mind and it’s impossible to get it out. Anyway, I changed “Ecuador” to El Salvador, and thanks to all of you who spotted the mistake and let me know. Unfortunately I do not get to comments and emails until evening, usually after 9PM, hence the delay.
And, of course, I’m getting older.
I can assure you…
your not the Lone Ranger…
by a long shot!
Yeah I read the article and didn’t even notice the country switching until I read the comments and even those were slightly opaque on what they were saying…guess I wasn’t really concentrating…my mind just gave me an executive summary. “rare earth minerals discovered somewhere below Mexico”…
I read it.
Noticed the discrepancy; realized it was unintentional.
In other words…
The whole…
nullified the disparate pieces.
That is because, I read way too many of his blogs.
If only I could be as coherent…
in way too many times at bat.
Hitting home runs consistently…
many out of the park…
AND… [drum roll]
is the THE… [drum roll continues]
Jesus Christ Superstar of Alternative Media !!!
[also, I’m known to embellish my posts, ever now & then…
but, am I/]