Elephant in the Forum... The Scorching of Earth

27 February 2024 Texas, Oklahoma
Yawwwn. Just another wild, wildfire. Today it is the dusty ole’ Texas Panhandle, oops, now the Oklahoma Panhandle, too. No big deal, 150,000-plus acres toasted in Roberts County alone… TODAY. Must be the wind and dry conditions (alone) again. Dang, climate change.


May I quietly suggest watching the NASA Infrared Imagery animation? The sheer speed and breadth at which these intensely hot surface temperatures (black is hottest) appear and “grow” defies physics.


Dry fuel + high winds + added heat = inferno

Added heat, folks. Think of a propane torch feeding the flames instead of just a big fan (wind). Of course wind will increase the flames and carry embers, but as always, I contend that wind and dry fuel alone cannot cause such rapid and intense spread of fire. This is like Lahaina, Texas style, with far fewer structures and vested interests.