Evolving autonomous resupply and other capabilities could open up new and valuable tactical opportunities for the Army's Black Hawk fleet

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POSTED ON OCT 14, 2024

Experimental Fly-By-Wire UH-60M Black Hawk To Become Autonomy Testbed

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The black box recordings are being manufactured as-we-speak.
They’re now picking which one of the black box narratives they want
[I’ve become so jaded, I can’t believe in anything they say or do.]


How would you like to fly one of those A.I. Black Hawks?
It could fly you into anything.
Then its black box would autonomously assign blame to human pilots.


I’m not sure that folks fully comprehend the meaning of the word “autonomous”…

George Webb published a substack piece where he tracked down the female pilots parents. Mom offers horse property rehab for troubled humans, and dad’s company does govt funded (not weapon) bio research…from the same address. Other interesting connections to the dad’s company were identified. If course, it’s George Webb, so nothing ever ever stays on track :slight_smile: .

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