FedEx is now spying on you for police

Or as I call them Masonic McPolice with conflicting oaths.


This bben going on for years, and it’s not just FedEx.
Amazon and others are bandits as well.

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Yes, I’m aware. However, the objective of continuing to share more companies is the fact that it has been going on this long - while trying to increase the awareness so that people actually care.

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Based on your posts and situation I understand the concern, unfortunately the technocratic surveillance state is here to stay. It’s not just FedEx and other corporations, even the private citizens are doing it. When walking my dog I’ve lost count of the homes in my neighborhood with cameras, some even beep at you to let you know. It’s been accepted as “the way things are”…the psychological sense of security they provide is a hold over from the days of “was that a tiger in the bush or what?”

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