Fires in Rome - mini-report on July 17th

Somebody asked me about the fire (or fires) in Rome. It apparently started in a car wrecking yard in an outlying district of Eastern Rome. For the record it is nowhere near the Vatican. The area is not very heavily built up but contains lots of small businesses such as warehouses, wrecking yards, repair shops etc (think of flammable oil, old tyres and so on). In between them there are tracts of dry grass and bushes: the same applies to a large park which is actually mostly barren fields with a few trees. As of today (July 17th) the fire is still spreading in places with dry undergrowth. I haven’t seen specific reports on the smoke pollution but it must be serious. There are housing developments, schools, shopping malls affected not so much by the fire as the smoke.
This is politically embarrassing for the mayor from the “Democratic Party” which is a strong supporter of the globalist government and, paradoxically of the “green agenda”.
Furthermore, the local fire department (under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of the Interior) has said it does not have enough equipment, and on social media people (like me) have highlighted the paradox of the fire department recently boasting of having donated fire-fighting vehicles to… you guessed it, the Ukraine.


@DanaThomas Thank you for posting this!


DANG! We only have one firehose – and we loaned that out. We do have ladders tho’.