This was another story that many of you spotted, so thanks to all of you who passed it along; we’ll go with this version of the story submitted by M.W. (again, with our thanks). The story is evident from the headline to this blog: scientists have succeeded in creating the first synthetic embryos (of mice,…


I’m never certain how a word is defined. But in this piece, the word synthetic appears totally misused and sensationalistic. It’s a strong effort to misinform I can prove it on my “mom” experiment as she’s a 95 year old with no sense of humor, in all seriousness I showed her the headline, asked her for an impression, I get, “they made a baby out of chemicals? Oh my lord, it’s the devil!” Lol lol god bless her, she’s sharper than I, and I get it in the big picture that’s what’s going to be taken away! Doesn’t matter bout you, nor I, the masses subjected to that headline will bet their life they have made a baby out of thin air!!! I guarantee it, looking at the definition of synthetic, comparing it to the headline, voila!! Can’t never unring this bell never. I would have made a more precise choice of headline fill. Human stem cell dna, coaxed, spliced, showered with chemicals, was able to be programmed into developing into human body cells. Not very “Gotcha” but let’s be realistic about frankencells, and I’m thru apologizing over my word inventions, frankenbaby frankenbody it’s you and I, we’re doing this right!!!my favorite ufo vids were deleted on YouTube because it’s already begun, the uap committee is “rounding up” our videos, if we persist, they will round us, you and me, up. So it’s pretty simple, Elizondo is likely showing up infiltrated into mainstream ufo intelligences, a huge red flag, that the operation is far down the road in fact he was at Linda melting cow’s big party, Dolans in on it, I’m not amused, but here, because honestly I’m convinced Dr Farrell is like the last one, every other has been “touched” and it’s third phase secure team all of themmmmmmm!!! Dr farrell appears to have resisted and been severely Ill ever since. We owe him our allegiance it’s obvious what’s he’s been through and it appears he’s been attacked by odd forces to me…stay healthy Joe, and quit smoking…