Former TN Asst Police Chief Shawn Taylor is in Hiding after Documenting the Hybrid War involving Human and Drug Trafficing, Money Laundering, Canadian Banks

This interview is worth the time. A related pedophilia “organism” in charts is discussed at 37:45.

“Last September, shots were fired at…Taylor’s home with his family inside and the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation is currently investigating him, because of this 15-year, 500,000-page, documented investigation.” He’s “hiding-out with his family at a different AirBnB every day.”
Alexandra Bruce,


Chief Shawn is correct on a lot of what he has uncovered and pieced together with both local banks, and the larger banking system. He is connecting much of what has happened in so many prior USA administrations that funneled USA Dollars to fund wars. The war in the Ukraine just was the latest, greatest
example. Once we unpack what the BRICS nations are really doing is bypassing the US Dollar by trading in their own non-digital currencies along with many other goals.

What has Catherine Austin Fitts informed us about a digital dollar? They, meaning those against us, can keep track of their ‘serfs’.


@nidster Isn’t Taylor the one Hulsey wrote the letter to TBI about? I read the letter; think it was on Tennessee Stands website. The letter was about the TBI’s raid on his office/home. People think TN is so pure. The human trafficking here…

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Yes, and my goal in writing my post was to inform people that is not just TN, or even other American states where the Banksters agenda is to expand their control globally. The WEF and its agenda is global. The BRICS alliance is also opposing and exposing the WEF.

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Your right. Taylor’s investigation goes to Canada and to DC. Was told by a guy those family go way back in state politics that the Deep State goes from a certain TN county to Nashville and all the way to DC. They are here; they are there; they are everywhere; so beware.

Just hate that this guy and his family and his fellow police officers are shot at and raided by the TBI, who should be joining him investigating these guys and gals and prosecuting them.

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The big question is WHEN! There will be, and already are forces working to hinder or thwart, and stop the needed investigations. What I hope and believe is for some of us to find a way to open their understanding of what is apparently and transparently going on.
As a TN state Certified Real Estate Appraiser for over 30 decades, I reported on what was going on. It fell on ‘deaf ears’. Why? because those in positions of power and authority did not want it to become widespread public knowledge. In addition, those in power on the Federal level would not act except to burn down courthouses where the paper documents were actually stored. So instead of the actual paper documents being ‘kept’ they were digitized, presumably in order to ‘hide their dirty deeds’.

Believe me when I tell you that I went to much time and expense to positively verify all of the above.