Forum Borealis: Joseph Farrell, Endstage SSP

Forum Borealis pre-release – Dr. Joseph Farrell: Endstage SSP | Jun 30, 2024


Thanks Margaret-W. Another very interesting guy is Pierre Sabak. Yes, this is 21/2 hours long, but produces bombshell after bombshell. I think you will like it, especially if you read A New Science of Heaven and liked that book.

Tibits to expect;
Knowledge is the currency within the Universe. Are our adversaries mining this thru their own tech (AI)?
Could AI thru WiFi read minds?
Are Bloodlines referring to Angelic Houses?


I just read about this, and apparently they have found the frequency that makes this possible.
I dont remember the exact frequency, but I believe it was 830-something.

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if you use the rss feed (I installed it in Outlook)… you can download the mp3.

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