Forum open for rest of world to read?

Fair enough, I tried to be nice. The long winded explanations are a professional tool to inform the ignorant user, whiner and bitcher - nothing personal, but most people can’t handle these types of change because they know nothing about technology and you sound like one of them. Use the system or not, its up to you. If you want to help, make a suggestion. If not, go cry in that corner over there.


Hey, you know what ? When you log on to the internet you have compromised your privacy. I trust the folks on this site have done their best and while constructive criticism and questions are always good, please keep in mind that if you participate on the internet you’re making a choice with consequences. Don’t blame this site.


Pretty ignorant and arrogant reply from you as lots of folks expresses the very opposite of ignorance
being concerned of their data and thats anything but ignorance , particularly on self hosted systems
with weirdo algorithms. Lets see, have forum member dogsbreath got the reading guidelines badge?
No off course not. Have HerrKlaus got it? YES of course he has.

Crocodile tears with dunce hat in corner is on you bro who cant even follow forum or your own “5cent” professional guidelines and you prove it well by behaving as the classical text book example says: Attacking the person not the arguments presented.
Good grief your unprofessional dumb arrogant manners! No wonders USA going down the toilet!

Sorry for hurting your feelies, mate.

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Your professional 2 cent remorse? mate. :sweat_smile:

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Yet you trust the site owners? thats one heck of a contradiction! with that approach why even bother to use anti spyware, anit virus,VPN’s and so on, just leave house door wide open while you at the pub.

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Here’s your site trust, why 5 CCP trust levels when you can have 10! Good grief! :joy:

Well I didn’t say who I do or don’t trust. I do trust Joseph’s intent and believe him to be a man of principles. After that, as I said, every time I go on the internet I understand the risks and assume responsibility for it. I’m not owed protection.

  1. although Dr. Farrell may have fine principles and good intentions surely you don’t assume that all who work with or for him have the same principles and intentions,

  2. with the assumption that you use the internet for banking, on-line payments, purchases and so on … are you saying that if, as a result of those transactions, your data is stolen and misused that you would not hold those sites in some sense responsible? Surely you believe you are owed protection (or at least some semblance of and some level of security) and you expect your bank and credit card company (ies), and accounting services to provide such.

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It’s just how I see it but theoretically I don’t need to use the internet for anything. At the end of the day it’s a convenience and or entertainment. I don’t have to belong to this site, it’s my choice. At any rate thinking there exists a private spot on the internet is, IMO, folly.

… in the words of Dobie Gillis and Maynard G. Krebs “Oh, come now”. To paraphrase the writer of Genesis 18:26 - If I find in the land of Internet Sodom fifty righteous who truly believe that there is privacy there … . This is to say that there probably are a few truly trusting folks (e.g Ben, played by Robert Stanton, in the Frazier Episode entitled “The Zoo Story”, S 5, Ep. 12) Frazier Crane’s ethical, moral, upstanding agent, but they are the exception rather than the rule. I think it safe to say, that by far the vast majority don’t believe the internet is in any way private, but we do, and rightly so I believe, expect a good faith attempt at security and protection. When a situation appears that possibly compromise and wholesale capitulation has occurred in the interest of collecting a larger quantity of salable data for sale to God knows who and for what purposes, or that our time, talents, and energies are being used for training machine learning software …
If true, then as you rightly say, one can exercise one’s freewill and choose not to belong to this site, and also discourage others from doing so as well.

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So your in the bissniss of moving goal posts and and straw mans, how’s the payment these days?

Besides in glorious Europe we have a thing called General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
which makes many US sites inaccessible for us because USA constantly breaks the law, besides
the well established fact NSA etc stores everything written on Dr Farrells sites makes GizaDevs attempts of CCP social profiling a fool’s errand in the end as NSA dont give a crap and just grabs it all.

Most folks here on the forum “want the truth” but “you cant handle the truth” when told!

Ahmen. As a person who has rolled out alot of technology, Daniel has done a great job. As for privacy on the forum…get real if you think any platform is not monitored. Lastly, it is a great idea to offer a place where those who just want to belittle others and complain are not included.


Dang! The fit has hit the shan here. Okay, nevermind.

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Nothing is secure or private on the internet…absolutely nothing. Never was, never will be. We’ve all been pigeon holed in some way, shape, or form.

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said done well
feels like being in kindergarten a bit
who stole my data
my tables of destiny

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… “Nothing is secure or private” like riding your bike or doing NOTHING at all … remember the answer to the question concerning whether Huxley or Orwell won out is BOTH …


is this site running on open source? we could alleviate any of the concerns that way

Every aspect of computer “learning” for me, has been counter-intuitive. Since '96.

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