Future 'Danger Dates' for Trump Revealed By Astrologers Already Being Claimed As Foreknowledge By Pundits

Thus far, Alex Jones is making the most of just about everything, including a likely poisoning of Trump in the ‘near future’. (Trumps fear of being poisoned is relatively well-known.) I suspect more pundits will hop aboard the train a bit later on.

I tried to pick 2 astrologers with opposite lifestyles, one on the Left and one on the Right, and they have essentially the same answer. The Left has the better video, IMO; the Right is worth the listen for confirmation, but the dude is dry as a bone. (Watch it before bedtime.)

Although it appears that Trump will win the election (duh), the ‘forecast’ is as dire as the July 15 date and extends into May 2025. Personally, if nothing else, this upcoming whatever-it-is might be somewhat accurate, given Trumps age & the recent stress.

Make of it what you will…

Left: From min. 2:45 to 13:45.

Right: Min. 29:30 to whenever you can’t take it any more. (Seriously, about 10 minutes should do it.)
Donald Trump’s Astrological Transits & Secondary Progressions next 12 months 2024-2025

I suspect the advice from the Holy book to stay clear of such poppycock is good advice.

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Make of it what you will…

Very little reporting on this incident…