Originally published at: GAZA HAS GAS

I’m sure most of you like me watched or listened to the news this past week in horror and revulsion at the events that unfolded in Israel and Gaza. Could there be anyone of human reason or sentiment that does not feel empathy and sorrow at the barbarism of the attacks and sufferings undergone by…


Yes and the pattern of two white groups in South Africa helps us to better see the multiple ironies of triangulation. Israel helped the Afrikaner government redefine and reassign their multiple black population groups to tribal (not) homelands. When those in bantustans, separated from their husbands and fathers 11 months of the year acquired a core of community and faith, the Israelis taught the Afrikaners to use people moving machines to demolish these tiny bastions of humanity and move them to controlled environments. And where were the husbands and fathers? They were working for the gold and diamond mines, sleeping in six foot concrete mail slots, and allowed to see their wives and children only one month a year. The government was turned over to the Afrikaners by the British South Africans in 1948. The Boers were both taught, and found despicable for, the policy of apartheid. During that “enlightened” good British
transfer of power, who held control of the Jo’ burg stock exchange, the gold and diamond mines and uranium? The same British colonialists who turned over political ‘power’ to the very Boer farmers they had once incarcerated and medically experimented upon in concentration camps, during the Boer wars.


I cannot help it but to think the force behind all of this mayhem is somewhere above the earth in a darkroom being entertained by human stupidity! They are probably screaming “You can’t catch us”! So Archonic and evil. However, I do feel sometimes we are in an experiment! Like lab rates, we are being tested. For what purpose, only god knows. Maybe in the cosmic war humanity belowup the missing planet in our solar system as a last resort and some of us got captured to be slaves.


No surprise there. The expression “Perfidious Albion” is not earned for nothing.

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Right, QVBB, Of course, it is yet more nuanced. I hasten to add, there is plenty of perfidy to go around. As our friends in Britain have repeatedly weighed in here, the people themselves are captive to duplicitous policymakers/Babylonian banksters in their own geo-Albion, as we are in ours. Always good to see you in these pages, :candle: Alicia


One has to ALWAYS “Follow the Money”!!! :crazy_face:


Joseph, great insight on oil. Follow the money indeed.
One must assume the rest of the Muslim community is aware of this as well.
I’m sure they’ll sit back and let it happen without a fuss /sarc

I’m new to the discussion on dispensationalism. My path took me in directions that made this rather irrelevant. But I think I bumped into it yesterday in the midst of the Hamas/Israeli fiasco on X when someone stated the following:

Well clearly you don’t understand Christianity then. God only chose the Hebrew people for salvation. Only the Jews were chosen for salvation.

However, God came in the flesh to fulfill the covenants so that all of humanity can partake in the salvation of the Jews.

Through Jesus Christ, all of humanity can be saved. We as gentiles were grafted into the salvation of the Jews, because of Gods sacrifice, and his love for His creation.

I’ll spare you all my reply, but I was /am astonished by this and the inroads made into the utter destruction of Christianity. At least that’s my take. Please feel free to set me straight.


That is a funny thread title.

@ Alg…yes you’re exactly correct in pointing out it was a MASSIVE misunderstanding of the Incarnation. That type of thinking uses the verses about grafting, and the focus on covenants is typical of Calvinism.


… Calvinists … et MULTI alii.

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I find this fascinating. Hopeful and scary at the same time.

Hopeful because we may no longer be monolithic in our support of the Zionist state.
Scary, for reasons perhaps suggested above, because the majority of supporters likely come from the more typical MAGA crowd which is religious. And the younger generations are not.


That too!… though I suspect other than you and me, many here may not know who the multi alii are…

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Scofield and his ilk had a lot to do with this didn’t they?

Yes… absolutely they did… we discussed this in Yahweh the two-faced God.

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Help me understand why it is always British Petroleum, Exxon or Shell that pumps the oil? Is the technology too prohibitive for the local country to access fossil fuels?

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The “big oil” companies are the ones with the refineries that take the oil/gas extracted by the drillers, often (usually) independents with contracts to sell their oil to the big boys who have usually been the ones who have the pipelines to the refineries. The independents get paid a price at the well that is FAR less than what shows up as the “market price”- that is what big oil gets after the refinery.


Just got back from a road trip that took me through west and South Texas. Area is crawling with oil field workers. Fort Stockton TX’s better motels all booked, no room at the inn. White trucks and oil field machinery filled the parking lots.
Went through same area two weeks ago before the Middle East ruckus, few white trucks and no problem getting a room without a reservation.
Add that to the cost at the pump…
Read somewhere a few days ago US oil production back to par before Covid.


I’m hearing the same in Alberta, Canada.


Dr Alicia, you may have already done so, but if not it you be interesrted in reading Lord Mlner’s Second War by Cafferkey, who explores some of the deep roots of the embryonic current version of NWO agenda and efforts