Originally published at:

When I opened my email a few days ago and saw this story that had been shared by G.A.C.(with our thanks!) I immediately filed it in my “finals” folder, because it’s one of those stories that might be just a “minor” blip on the radar, or it might be one of those stories signaling something…


Didn’t occur to me to link that to nordstream but it sort of makes sense. Its an informal security architecture that is emerging.

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Imagine the German elite pulling back now … after all of this egregious insanity … oops I guess blowing up our only source of fuel is just one whoopsies too far. Following our self-inflicted bulldozing of our entire culture and meta-first world industrial apparatus.

Germans are now just Evola’s Men Among the Ruins.

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Losing a proxy war after salivating and dividing spoils you think are almost yours? On top of that not able to divert immediatly to a “hot war” because they gave away all war capable toys. The bill of all those mishaps is coming due, and so is an explenation to the European deceived people!

They are in uncharted waters improvising and drowning. The only good part I hope comes of this is that Nato and the European Union stops existing due to infighting.


The age old project to prevent Germany and Russia from benefiting from a joint economic alliance has wrecked havoc on European history. What a sad state of affairs. It’s like a drowning person drowning their rescuer.


If, and it is a unquantifiably large if, Germany forms even a tacit alliance with BRICS the NWO scenario cannot happen. All that can happen is then the artificial version of the eschatological end-times scenario, the dying gasp of the insane. But it does map well to the various prophetic renditions by countless church fathers and mystics.


Nord Stream „Rätsel“ gelöst? Pulitzer-Preis-gekrönter Journalist Glenn Greenwald untersucht.

English version

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‘Give away’ of weapons could have been an intentional depletion of stock. Maybe the warmongers knew a retooling was needed. Horror.

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I’ve been wondering how long the German industrialists would put up with the Anglo-American economic warfare that’s cutting off their access to affordable energy. Maybe they’re finally reacting.

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I got the feeling that besides NSI German industrialist have some kind of intel that Muslim revolution is about to wreak havoc in Berlin. Where thousands of Muslim men were chanting to install sharia law, just couple of days ago.

(Let’s not forget that Trotsky 's first stop to ignite communist revolution was actually Berlin and only because it was poorly run or Germans wouldn’t go for that nonsense, commies went to Russia as a second choice)

German business started to get cozy with China again.
And Anglo-American alliance that became rather American Hegemony alliance is unhappy about that.


Sometimes the simplest explanation is the most obvious one (i.e. Germany does not know who destroyed the NordStream 2 pipeline and is putting their underwater commando team in place to act as a deterrent to future actions against the natural gas pipelines.)

Of course, this explanation begs the question of who destroyed the NordStream 2 pipeline and why they did it, (which is the question you are really asking).

The answer to that question is subject to all sorts of wild speculation as there are a number of potential suspects including the Russians, USA, Great Britain, Ukraine, Israel and Germany (to name a few of the most obvious ones.) To determine why Germany has not named the culprit(s) who destroying the pipeline while warning them off from doing it again, we must first determine which country (or agency) stands to benefit the most. The best way to unravel this Gordian Knot is by using my trusty sword named cui bono.

I will start with the least likely culprit — Germany. The question would then be re-framed to: “How would Germany benefit from destroying the pipeline?” Obviously, Germany needs natural gas for heating and electricity generation since they basically abandoned nuclear energy years ago. So how would they benefit from destroying additional natural gas capacity? The answer is obvious i.e. they wouldn’t benefit economically as a supply shortage would cause natural gas prices to rise which in turn increase all other prices that are dependent on energy. So, how else could Germany possibly benefit? The answer is obviously political.

There are strong forces in Germany’s domestic politics that favor stronger economic relations with Russia (mainly because of its abundant natural gas resources). Obviously, Germany is a member of the EU and NATO which do not favor Germany having stronger relations with Russia (as the prime objective of the western powers since the end of WWI has been to keep Russia and Germany from uniting.) Those forces in Germany favoring stronger relations with Russia could have destroyed the NordStream pipeline (or had proxies do it for them while placing the blame on the USA or GB) in order to destroy German solidarity with NATO and weakening the military and economic ties with the rest of the EU.

The same logic cculd also apply to Russia (i.e. Russia destroyed their own pipeline) in an effort to blame the USA, GB or Ukraine and thus weaken NATO and the EU by causing Germany to stop supporting the alliance. A devious plot indeed but one not beyond Putin. By destroying NordStream 2, Putin would still leave Russia as the number one provider of natural gas to Germany where he could control the price and supply thus exercising control over Germany’s economy (and by extension politics).

The USA (and to a lesser extent GB, Denmark, and the Netherlands), all have natural gas reserves that could be liquified, shipped and sold to Germany (at a very large profit caused by the shortage in supply). By providing Germany with the shortfall in natural gas caused by destroying the pipeline, the USA, NATO and the EU keep Germany under political control while making a profit on selling them natural gas (while preventing Russia from earning foreign exchange credit for sales of its natural gas). On the surface, this would be a win, win for the USA and NATO. However, in order to succeed, this strategy would depend on being able to shift blame for destruction of the pipeline from the USA, GB and NATO to someone else.

Enter Ukraine and Israel. Obviously, Russia and Ukraine are at war. The NordStream 2 pipeline would have provided Russia with much needed dollars for foreign exchange as the USA had imposed strict sanctions on Russia due to its starting the war. Thus, Ukraine had a strategic reason to attack the NordStream 2 pipeline. As a condition of receiving continued aid from the USA, Ukraine would cooperate in taking the blame for destroying the pipeline (an probably did participate), while enjoying the prestige of being able to carry out such a complex operation a distance away from their border.

There is also an economic reason for Ukraine to participate in destroying the NordStream 2 pipeline, i.e. Ukraine is a large provider of natural gas (over 40 billion cubic meters per year with over one trillion cubit meters of proven natural gas reserve with another 4 trillion cubic meters in estimated reserves.) However, there is one catch, over 90% of proven reserves and 80% of estimated natural gas reserves are located in the Donetsk region (currently controlled by Russia).

Thus, control over the Donetsk region is very hotly contested and is the main sticking point in reaching a cease fire, truce or peace agreement. Essentially, the Ukraine war is being fought over energy resources and who controls them. All the talk about the war being fought over Ukraine joining NATO or the EU is a smoke screen. The war is over control over Ukraine natural resources and the profits from supplying same to the rest of Europe. The parties controlling Donetsk will reap the fortunes from exploiting Ukraine’s natural resources while exercising political control over the future of NATO and the EU.

How does Israel benefit? Israel is a large supplier of advanced arms and military hardware (such as drones) as well as expertise. Ukraine has lots of foreign aid to use in purchasing modern military technology from Israel. By using Israel as a cutout for supplying advanced weapons, the USA and NATO can escape blame for supplying same.

Also, Israel has large deposits of natural gas offshore from Gaza and in the Golan Heights which is the real reason for the current fighting in Gaza and Lebanon. Israel needs to be able to develop these natural gas fields and build pipelines to Europe which could need to pass through the Black Sea to Ukraine. It is a long range strategic interest to Israel, being able to control energy supplies for Europe is one way Israel keeps Europe on its side versus those Islamic nations and groups who want to destroy it.

All of this information is much ‘sound and fury signifying nothing’ with ragard to answering cui bono to the question of who destroyed the NordStream 2 pipeline?

Which proves the old saying, “What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.”