Getting some things straight


Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose…


You’d think the Germans might be thinking at, some point:
Been there done that; it doesn’t have a Good German ending.

La verite veritable, mon amis!


“Deutsche Geschichte und Kultur”

… ist es sicher so? genau, mein Herr, genau.


Scholz refrained from sending heavy tanks, they send trucks that can carry tanks! The Pope refrained from going to Ukraine. Its ok to pay in rubles. Austrian Schallenberg says Ukraine should not get EU membership. Bulgaria refrained from sending weapons…
(its getting better by the hour!)
What happened?

Someone uttered the unthinkable at Wednesday evening’s cocktail party, eyes were swivelled to check that no-one saw who said it, there was a quick seance with the godmother in the smoking room, and thus, it became acceptable to acknowledge that the Ukraine is not winning and Europe must get energy from Russia, because, who could have guessed it, hastily cobbled plans fell apart as quickly as they were implemented.

It is therefore decreed that EU rules actually do allow for the purchase of rubles in an EU unsanctioned bank, the genius of the senator whose committee determined that will be rewarded with 6 cases of olive oil and 4 nubile slaves from the common stores, and that the majesty of the EU will not be sullied by converting tax funds into the currency Putler’s foul regime requires so as to prevent said foul regime from profiteering even more from its despicable trade.

We must “take one for the team”, as the vernacular has it, only to stop that mad slav and his minions from gathering even more monies from the poor of the world into his coffers. This is a sacrifice the EU will make for the good of the world. Our considered actions of your behalf are for the “Good of All”, we will tax accordingly.

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You owe for for your sins in WW2.