GREAT Clip from Jordan Peterson: You Need to Prepare Yourself for the Flood


Jordan Peterson reads Ben Shapiro transcripts and is backing Abraham accords. It was just a matter of time before he went full ZOG mode.

Please post links to your info.
Still a great video.

More Adam Green?! No thank youā€¦

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Then type Jordan Peterson-Message to muslims if you donā€™t want to watch Green.
However you turn things heā€™s a laughing stock for the whole muslim community. This fool actually thinks that muslims will forget more than 70 years of zionist oppresion and join Abraham accords like puny slaves. It would be better if he stayed on benzos.

Are we doing witchcraft again? Predicting the future is the sign of a devil working you. No practice of sorcery can be justified none. I dream an image, I awake to draw it, no matter the time I love lead pencils and charcoal, mostly itā€™s souls coming at me, contacting me for no reason, right? I donā€™t recognize them but I remember them, at least my hand draws them but I canā€™t explain how it happens. Iā€™m no artist yet Iā€™m compelled to draw these and sometimes they move. Not me saying it lol Iā€™m just saying what Iā€™ve been told. The eyes follow you around, Iā€™ve had good days playing my blues guitar where for no reason itā€™s actually working a little. No idea why purely accidental or possession by a communicative demon lol lol last nite I drew a donkey!! Iā€™d been watching the coolest YouTube channel Tribal People Try and Tahrir was sampling Dunkinā€™ Donuts for the first time. Had never seen a donut, but he mispronounced the things ā€œdonkey donutsā€ lol lol over and over heā€™d say ā€œin the name of godā€ these donkey donuts are incredible ornate beautiful wonderful tasty beyond any thing in his life, ā€œwhy have you been keeping these from meā€ lol lol lol well donkey Dunkinā€™ Donuts are too crisp for me and lack yeast flavor so no I prefer authentic raised glazed old fashioned. But my Donkey was vivid and yes it was the Democratic Party mascot no doubt, thing of it is this one had kammy hairy arse, standing beside its rear end and she was leaning in her arm and hand inside the donkeys backend pulling out a person whoā€™s likeness thru the debris was a spittin image of jo bite me. As the head pertrudes the bowels a string of heads is revealed oh itā€™s Dr Fauci and ag garland all three pooped out, tired looking living proof theyā€™re just a bunch or horse manureā€¦

In a way I feel sorry for Jordan Peterson. He feels like a lost man trying to find his footing. Doing that so publicly will have itā€™s price, a big one! I believe he is being (ab)used but he should know that any subject matter need years of study and experience to master. He insted choose to inflate his ego on a subject he knows scarcely anything about.

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Ive been following JBPā€™s trajectory since he emerged around 2017. It falls roughly into 3 phases;

  1. ā€œAuthenticā€ phase; his youtbe channel focuses on his work and ideas; his university lectures and public speaking events and debates, through which his opposition to dogma becomes apparent; Importantly, he is not overtly policitically affiliated. This is the pied piper hook designed to get him noticed and establish his authenticity as a trustworthy public intellectual.
  2. ā€œPrimingā€ phase. JBP returns to youtbe after his ā€œhealth crisisā€ - he is absent from the public domain in 2020 - conveniently coinciding with the plandemic, when he wouldve been expected to comment on the obvious power grab and growing fascism. On his return in spring 2021, his youtbe channel switches gear; his controversial ideas are largely abandoned in favor of those of the ā€˜expertocracyā€™; (the new lawmakers) and it increasingly resembles the Rogan formula with the usual talking heads and media darlings like Matthew McConnagey who, last time I looked, was not an expert on anything but being just another fully fledged member of the establishment.
  3. Officially Co-Opted phase. JBP is now a fully paid up member of the controlled faux conservative opposition complete with shiny new studio and style make-over with an uncharacteristically aggressive, rhetorical, hostile, FU demeanor. Now no longer required to choose his words carefully as he did before, he is free to forget all nuance and shout at Muslims, and anyone else he feels like berating, with impunity. He is the newest member of the officially sponsored ā€˜divide and ruleā€™ global corporate system.

I believe that he and his family were threatened (including his wife who also almost died from some rare form of cancer) and the benzo withdrawal crisis - (which almost killed him and for which he had to go to Russia(!) to get medical treatment, since not one medical practitioner in North America would treat him (clue)) - was an attempt to remove him from the public domain. It didnt succeed but scarred him sufficiently that he finally capitulated and decided to throw his lot in with the official controlled opposition to save himself and his family. He is now shouting from inside the tent and not outside it. From being a unifiying, independent voice with global reach, he is reduced to the angry old white conservative caricature, touting for business on youtbe as another media pundit. In short, he has been ā€˜neutralisedā€™.


You all obviously know Peterson better than I do, but I think being prepared is better than NOT being prepare. Still think itā€™s a good message.

Obviously having a plan or being prepared is a good idea. Its a banal point that because it comes from Petersonā€™s lips, is regarded as a pearl of wisdom. Arguably, that says more about modern day audiences than it does about Petersonā€™s intellect.

I think thereā€™s a big difference between an evil man & a highly troubled man & think Peterson is the later.

I agree. I dont think anyone is suggesting he is evil.