GREEN SAHARA of 5,000 years ago may be the single most important piece of tangible evidence in response to the existing climate-change *political* narrative…

The little-known GREEN SAHARA of 5,000 years ago may be the single most important piece of tangible evidence in response to the existing climate-change political narrative…

The implications of what happened to the Sahara (and so quickly) stands to upend this entire debate…






Who determines what is a “FLASH”. According to geologic time, humans have only been here for a “flash”… at least in terms of the “scientists” who have written the papers and claimed it is settled science.

I think we should be thinking about why the magnetic north is moving and if there is any correlation to these findings.


Jimmy on Bright Insight had a good one on this recently!! Then Static in the Attic added some good info. Things are not what we have been told!!

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Thanks @ColonelZ
This has been described in a number of writings.

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@ColonelZ @justawhoaman @thebeaver @Morrisville

NOW , that would be a noble Human Geo-engineering endeavor. Everyone on the planet would be proud. You can’t force world Unity with harebrained scheme like UN Fake alien invasion.
Israel need to advance this cause, they had great success with their infrastructure project.

No one has to lose over this. Those who tell ya , the climate would be change elsewhere are full of it. It’s not a zero sum game.