Has The Second Horseman Been Unleashed?

Has The Second Horseman Been Unleashed?

April 14, 2022 by SkyWatch Editor

As wars break out on the trail of the second horseman, Christians can tap into powerful weapons if we are courageous enough to use them. If you read about the second rider in Revelation, you will most likely equate him with war, even world war. Looking at our world today, it is easy to believe that he is operating around the globe. Violence and armed conflict are everywhere. And Russia’s recent invasion of Ukraine is the latest example of that. But unlike other conflicts such as Iraq or Syria, this latest one has the potential to bring the largest world powers to blows… (READ MORE)

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Have to be the most difficult weapons to use that I’ve heard of. I do mean, if your wrong here, you’re gone quickly. The logic I can understand, but the application is where I need some more questions answered. And I know there will be no one to answer them. An impossible moment.

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