Pilot breaking down the events as he sees it in this clip:
If the pilot was a national guard trainee, as well as an individual of the recent sex-fluid impossibility, or gender fluidity mischaracterization, it may well be the first step in these individuals experiences the Weimar book burnings. Someone may want to warn them that their time, in the limelight, parading their mental conditions around as if the express their own perversion as pleasure, may be up, and they’re in grave danger.
I’m telling you this is deliberate, or it would be rapidly covered up, along with the recent plethora of WEF-Davos failures, all seemingly deliberate.
… Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. - spoken by Marcellus in Act I, Scene IV from Hamlet. One interpretation of this line is that the “ghost” presents as an omen for Denmark and speaks to the connection between legitimate rule and the “constitution” of the state. Just a thought … Trump’s initial response to this situation struck me as just a wee bit strange. One should always have prepared remarks or at least a generic template just for situations such as this until more information is obtained.
… Trump Says DC Black Hawk "Was Flying Too High... By A Lot" | ZeroHedge
Flood the zone with information to confuse the narrative…
Just like bobby in Dallas, it was all a ‘dream’
With an intelligence-based “news” service; who knows?
I can’t seem to shake this story from my mind.
Have they recovered any bodies? Or are just being told they have bodies recovered?
It is quite plausible the pilot talking on the radio and doing the flying might be in a safe room under the pentagon, and 3 corpses loaded onto the copter for the 3 killed?
Thinking outloud here really.
… Why no one would ever think of doing anything lik … oh, wait a minute … you mean like Operation Mincemeat.
New time, Old trick … anything is possible.
This is worth a listen… Predictive programming theories, Famous figure skater Tonja Harding
resurfacing out of nowhere right before the accident, etc. Lots of good specultions…
So the NTSB seem to suggest preliminary data from the ground ATC scope showed the blackhawk at 200ft and the CRJ at 300 foot (+/- 25ft)
Collision occured at 300 ft.
… Reagan National, a tightly packed aviation hub that shares airspace with military and government flights, is the busiest airport among Virginia, Maryland and Washington D.C.
… the main question, as far as I know unanswered to this point, is with all of the airspace available for “training” why was this area (see above) picked for such training? Makes one wonder if such training occurs around LAX, DFW, Atlanta, O’Hare or other extremely “tightly packed” airspace. Also makes one wonder if we trust “technology” just a wee bit more than we should. Just wondering …
What’s also Chinese “Interesting” in these times;
is back-to-back aircraft crashes,
DC and Philadelphia.
Dark and/or otherwise?
Apparently ( * ) good ole DARPA has had autonomous flight capabilities for these helos for quite some time. Couple that with something like Op Mincemeat, or even more likely autonomous FAA-controlled airplanes, then add a dash of explosions over clear water, then all we have here is FIREWORKS. And not much else.
Oh, yeah, @Scarmoge , there was according to reports also one Danish person “aboard”, maybe a young figure-skater…
Many tempests in many teacups.
Just as an aside note.
Serendipity plays a major role in my life;
when it comes to speculations and perspectives.
So I happens I started reading the 7th book in the “Miles To Vietnam” series.
“True, But Irrelevant.” by William Peter Grasso, copyright 2024
[Great series, written from an artillery perspective]
The point here is that during this time period, mid-January 1971;
helicopters and their pilots/crews were being shot down in huge numbers.
The reason, discussed through the storylines in the novel; are many.
What comes through though, is the total insanity of political policies
were at the heart of unnecessary loss of lives and treasure.
Policy hasn’t improved[IMO].
The numbers were outrageous in 1971.
The madness?
Lives and treasure are still being lost.
All, - are beyond measure
… and now that it apparently has been confirmed that this was part of a COG exercise … Are there certain groups within the military that are assigned specifically to and train for events involving the COG folks? How long has this kind of training been going on? Why are they training? How often do they train? Do they train anywhere else besides WDC? Are these military members part of some kind of rapid response team? This raises an incredible number of interesting questions don’t you think?
We now see a discrepancy between ground radar and the known collision altitude of the CRJ plane.
Some wild speculation
Maybe the ground radar was compromised? A malfunction seems unlikely if the same radar reports the CRJ correctly.
If it was a CoG training mission maybe the blackhawk had some kind of radar deflection technique in place that was part of the test.
And why the hell is this kind of test happening around civilian air traffic in the first place? Surely all these parameters could be safely simulated at an airbase using drones.
… Daniel Liszt (aka Dark Journalist) speaks quite a bit on COG particularly in relation to “The UFO File”. Maybe two lines of argument can be made … one line including the relevance of “The UFO File” to this specific event and one line without.
Questions concerning this tragic episode involving COG training exercises might prove to be a quite nice inroad for him to hold the feet of COG a little closer to the fire. Journalism, Dark or otherwise, unpacking specific questions concerning COG specifically related to this tragedy would certainly be welcome. Dark Journalism on the Black World of COG would appear to be the perfect match.
Here are a few questions previously raised … Are there certain groups within the military that are assigned specifically to and train for events involving the COG folks? How long has this kind of training been going on? Why are they training? How often do they train? Do they train anywhere else besides WDC? Are these military members part of some kind of rapid response team? If there is such a thing as a COG rapid response team within a branch or branches of the military from what individual or entity do they receive orders and to what individual or entity do they answer? What NAME specifically ordered this particular training exercise?
And I can’t help question if this was really a ‘test’ given the extremely dangerous margins of error involved. Was there in fact a live credible threat at the time that would justify the risks.
I also seem to remember the doomsday plane landing somewhere relatively nearby although I know nothing about how that operation works so it may be irrelevant.
… very much BINGO! Shadownet. Until explained, which I have little or no hope in there ever being a clear explanation, this is, as Steve Martin would say, “a piece of bologna in your shoe” situation. It just feels “funny”.