Hill Pressclips: Next Stop Genocide

A death cult for sure…


8:00 AM Pacific

A Truckload of Bodies . . .

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8:10 AM Pacific

Northern District of California
President Biden sued for failure to prevent Genocide:

Thanks to Brett Wilkins over at Common Dreams.

Text of the lawsuit:

Thanks to the Center for Constitutional Rights.

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November 14, 2023
4:58 PM Pacific

Two video reports from the ground: (1) Bisan, age 25, a journalist in northern Gaza who broadcasts every day despite internet and electricity blackouts; and (2) Footage from a UN school sheltering refugees in Jabalia.

Bisan is living through an active genocide. When she was told by the Israelis to leave northern Gaza, she refused. She stayed:

An Israeli air strike on displaced Palestinians at the Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza reportedly killed at least 15 people and injured dozens more, according to a doctor at al-Shifa Hospital:

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5:36 PM Pacific

Summary report from the Mondoweiss vantage. With thanks to author Mustafa Abu Sneineh.

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With thanks to Bill.

November 15, 2023
8:33 PM Pacific

Four pieces today:
(1) Summary report on Day 40 from a Mondoweiss vantage, with thanks to Mustafa Abu Snneineh.

(2) Columbia University students pushback against crackdown on Palestine activism, demand disinvestment from Israel, with thanks to Michael Arria.

(3) A love letter to students speaking up for Palestine from Zehra Imam, a graduate student at Harvard Divinity School and a Muslim Chaplain-Intern at MIT.

(4) Over 400 of Biden’s officials demand a ceasefire in Gaza. With thanks to Sharon Zhang over at Truthout.

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November 16, 2023
7:30 PM Pacific

Three pieces today:

(1) Teacher Pushback: 1200+ “Educators for Palestine” demand ceasefire, called for an end to the Israeli occupation, and condemn recent suppression of dissent by universities.

With thanks to Chris Walker over at Truthout.

(2) Poll Results: Majority of Americans support ceasefire in Gaza.

With thanks to Dave DeCamp over at at Antiwar.com.

(3) Biden refuses to supply proof of Hamas base under Gaza’s biggest hospital. Neither Israel nor the U.S. have put forth concrete evidence that Hamas set up its headquarters under al-Shifa, Gaza’s largest medical facility.

With thanks to Jake Johnson over at Common Dreams.

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7:23 PM Pacific

“No more ghoulish euphemisms. No more verbally sanitized hellscapes. No more warmongering lies.”

Ann Boyer pushes back: Her articulate resignation letter to the NYT in protest of the US-backed war against of the people of Gaza:


November 4, 2023

Chas Freeman, former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense:
This Is Not a War, but a Mass Murder Tragedy

With thanks to Dialogue Works.

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9:33 PM Pacific

Unsubstantiated assertions inundating the media regarding Hamas using Al-Shifa hospital as a military headquarters is reminiscent of the intelligence deceptions which led up to the US invasion of Iraq.

With thanks to Max Jones at Scheerpost.

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9:58 PM Pacific

Dr. Mona El-Farra pushes back . . .

The repeating Israeli airstrikes on the Jabalia refugee camp in Gaza are beyond her comprehension. For at least 10 of the last 40 days, missiles have rained down on the most densely populated refugee camp in all of Gaza:

With thanks to Counterpunch.

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10:06 PM Pacific

Washington, once again, again appears to rely on doubtful propaganda rather than independent analysis.

With thanks to Wyatt Reed over at Grayzone.

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10:25 PM Pacific

Chris Hedges and Max Blumenthal discuss what occured on October 7:

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November 20, 2023

Paul Craig Roberts over at IPE weighs in on Day 44 of the active genocide in Gaza. He connects mass murder to the Covid mandates by governments in deceptive relationships with big pharmaceutical companies, betraying and destroying their own people:

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Dwayne Booth simplifies the madness, just in time for the holidaze:


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November 20, 2023
6:28 PM Pacific

A discussion of how a two-state solution will not work without Israel’s nuclear diarmament, including the historical precedent of Apartheid South Africa.

With thanks to Scott Ritter, former U.S. Marine Corps intelligence officer, over at consortiumnews.


November 20, 2023
8:42 PM Pacfic

Fabian Scheidler, with thanks . . . addresses how as Gaza’s destruction continues, Germany and its Atlantic allies are becoming more and more isolated internationally.

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4:33 AM Pacific
Good morning from California. . .

With thanks to Michael Hudson at Counterpunch… Mike ploughs though the Prophets, presages the social gospel, and dispels the notion of entitlement piety in Bibi and the American evangelicals who support the genocide in Gaza.


7:41 PM Pacific

Scholars pushback:
Academics who specialize in the Holocaust and anti-semitism penned a letter to the New York Times Book Review. They openly criticize political leaders and high profile public figures who now invoke and misuse memories of the Holocaust to explain the current crisis in Gaza and Israel:

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