Holy Chatbot, Batman! Got sins? We got AI Confession. Meet Fr Justin the AI confessor priest

While Fr Justin has been shut down. Am betting we have haven’t heard the last of AI Confession. Betting that ole Franky there is looking to diversify and multiply, just as God commanded. I know, I know it runs completely contra the magisterium and catechism but a euro is a euro and the Vatican is running low on parish tithes, parish clergy and funds while maintaining the same operational infrastructure. A classic case of “overtrading” from a purely business perspective. Answer, take it online and even better leverage AI. I would not particularly want to confess in that manner (GDPR issues, NSA issues and WEF and God knows what else issues) but the kite has been flown and may come back as the magisterium continues to be gutted and filleted. Virtual AI priest who believes he's REAL faces backlash over bizarre answers

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