How about a Countdown Clock (or two or seventy) be done in keeping with the Spirit of The New Year "Ball Drop"

I recall that many years ago so-called Psi-chick Sylvia Brown publicly accepted The Amazing Randi’s Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge (pot-kettle situation but I digress) I also recall that Randi placed a “Sylvia Countdown Clock" on his website where he tracked the number of days that had passed since the mutually agreed upon deadline of her testing. I propose that something similar be done for each of Trump’s Campaign Promises. (see While my opinion of Axios is that it is just another “silliness” (self-censoring on behalf of Giza’s Mrs. Grundy bot’s language minding) political media outlet there is here a pretty nice exhibit of Trump’s “Day One Promises” allegedly based on his public utterances.
I propose starting with just two: Mass Deportations and The Release of the Last JFK Files. Interestingly the latter is not on Axios Listing. Oh well, maybe he didn’t say “day one” on the JFK thing but a countdown clock for it I think would prove interesting as well.
Maybe several Giza members could put together a *Challenge Fund between now and “Day One” against which others could “bet” on when those promises would be met. (*This idea is the property of ScarmoCo) Even though I claim this idea I’m quite sure that many ordinary “bookies” and the British Betting Shops had already thought of this long ago. The fulfillment of a “Day One” promise would not be allowed by simply signing a piece of paper (Executive Order = Munich Agreement you get the idea) there would need to be “evidence”. In the sprit of “finding 10 righteous people” lets say that Trump needs to prove that he has deported 1000 Illegals in the first 24 hours. How did I arrive at that number? … 20 illegals x 50 states = 1000 (we’ll even cut him some slack on the 16 territories and not require deportations form those). I000 seems quite a reasonable number for the first day given all the illegal “documentation” claimed. My initial number was to be much larger but hey, even God went from 50 to 10.
I will be “shocked, shocked I tell you” if even a single “Day One” promise is actually carried out with any evidence more than a “Day One Munich Agreement Signature”.

All of this to say (see the US line below) I think that roughly 70 % of the US are deeply self-deluded.
WWMW (What Would Mencken Write) bracelets soon to be available. This post written by Scarmoge a.k.a Sarcmoge.


Can you say BRICS? Just in case you didn’t notice, Trump has us with that camp, as well. Non-NATO.

Indonesia is aware of Sukarno/Kennedy Trusts… Maybe that is a factor.

“Sukarno/Kennedy Trusts,” sounds interesting. Do go on!!

“And i looked at him and said, Judge Napolitano, if you saw what was in those files you wouldn’t release them either.”

Lets hope he does carry out the promise of releasing the rest!

This is a great idea. I’d even entertain this as an old-school desktop screensaver though
preferably not loaded with Chinese spyware (big ask).

I’m a bit cynical, or as I would say… a realist. My belief is that none of these problems CAN
be solved. Certainly not with the tools available to any of us. It would certainly seem that
everything is going to plan. Did hear that the whole “end the war in THE Ukraine” is already
off the table. We’re off to a good start!

Is ScarmoCo publicly traded, and if so where might one buy shares? What would the ticker code be? MOJ? Please advise as I’d like to get in on the ground floor of this one…

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