How Christian Missionaries Twist & Distort the Jewish Bible to Prove Jesus is Messiah – Rabbi Skobac (Oy Gival!)

This is one of the best explanations I’ve heard lately with regard to Jewish interpretation v. Christian interpretation. Special interest start at 20:00.

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Two men who have done great work in this regard are

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Sorry about that! I meant to mention Hebrew Scholar, Mauro Biglino with his book, “Gods of The Bible” & Paul A. Wallis with his series of “Eden” books!! We each are contributing in our own unique way to The Great Awakening!! :wink:

One interpretation versus another… you either believe in Jesus or you don’t. :heart:


There are so many factions within factions within factions within the Old testament. It is mostly about fraternising of humanity with Fallen Angels and few tribes who did not. What makes it so difficult it is not easy to decode it all let alone decode who is who. The more so, since all those factions are still thriving today!

It takes many books of many writers / scolars on the subject to even get to form ones own opinion. I am sorry but regurgitating the same “sliver” of messaging thru the same sources isn’t it for me. There is a reason Paul A Wallis and Maurice Biglino’s work are popularised.

The subject matter is very complex I found out, as it is fascinating. I can understand one can feel betrayed due to not being told the whole truth, but again that truth is very complex, and much is indeed hidden or more popular stated occulted.

I do wonder when Christian people find out a iety bit of the conundrum, all of a sudden the only thing of worth is the Old Testament and apparently the New one seems instant bogus. I would almost say that the Fallen has put running programs in us to do just that at the right time to favor themselves in these perilous times.

It reminds me a bit of Babylon 5, Season 5 where its made clear the Vorlons genetically tinkered with us not for good purporses and to favor themselves. Both alien parties were fiends and not to be trusted!


Which “Jesus” are we talking about here?! The one handed us by the Roman Gov’t. in 325 A.D. or the one who created the Universe we live in as purported by The Urantia Book? It would seem each person has their own Personal Jesus they believe in! Also, Paul A. Wallis has an excellent video series about Jesus in India which you might find interesting!

This IS the age of The Great Awakening, isn’t it?! :wink: I know I did not start questioning the Brainwashing of my Childhood until age 70, so maybe there is hope for all of us?! :rofl:

@Morrisville @jeana18
I think jeana18 put it aptly succint, you either believe or you don’t., I agree with you that who Jesus is, good luck with that! Historically, the New Testament is murkier then the Old one. Lots on interesting theories none the less.

Going with the theory of Angels mastering time which I simply translate into pop in and pop out of our reality I think the story of Jesus whomever he is, is true. You propably going to laugh, but I go for that too the Shroud of Turin, also a controversial conondrum. Anyways, I belief it is a pop in - pop out (transforming from phisical to a plasma being and vice versa hypothesis) that left its mark on the Shroud.