How they convinced Trump to lock down


Can’t help but smelling a Mr. Trump whitewash, without his involvement, on his behalf.
I don’t doubt he has a big ego not kept in balance by much integrity, but as a nurse I know all about rescue fantasies thru debt induction. I don’t see Mr. Trump effected by such tactics frankly.

Ofcourse, as an European I don’t have any stake in US policy.

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What is deb induction?

Why don’t you see nurses often strike? They are fed the belief it is normal to be overworked and underpaid in helping relief suffering. The chain of “relief suffering” can never be broken, so no time to strike and fight for your rights. If you brake that chain you are an evil person.


Thank you for the response, very thought-provoking.

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I’m in agreement with Joseph, however one wishes to spin this he’s not to be trusted.


Other health workers such as GPs and pharmacists (used to be one) also have that attitude indoctrinated into them as well here in Australia, which suits the increasingly profit-motivated only businesses that primarily employ them.


@psilocybeaustralis and @neru Same in the US. Our nurses are called Super Hero’s and everyone would have died if it weren’t for them🙄

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