HUGE UFO ARMADA ABOVE Earth filmed by NASA live feed

…Shocked, shocked I tell you! :slight_smile:


Too funny!!! I guess that means the Earth IS flat, right?!!! :rofl:

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The earth looks flat from where I live, but I’ve never seen it myself from space, only photos that may be touched up a bit.

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Thank goodness for that Fish Bowl lense😉


this seems like a hole in the clouds where the sun shines through. imo.

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I agree, I did not post as reality but due current propaganda hype.

i understand u fully. all the horseshoes we’ve been wading through, one develops insight and humour along playing with self/deception.

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What a shame that the quality of the image is so bad, can´t make an honest assessment of the veracity of the UFO with such bad visuals.

Why every single video since 2004, when i started to study this topic, so horrible, there is never a clear, irrefutable image of great quality?

The videos are so bad that i can´t trust not a single one, i know that UFOs exist because of direct observation of them 2 or 3 times in life, but i would really like to see what other people are seeing too.


The thing is - what difference does it make in the big picture? There is something out there as many of these sighting prove, but who is behind it? There are many theories out there, but what do we do about it. Things are becomine more and more strange. We need a focus point, which some of us have, but that which others debate or try to reason away. It is like the shot - some see, some don’t want to see, some chose not to see.

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The question becomes what are the best parameters to define the best focus?

To have a focus point is easy, to have the most efficient point of focus is labor the labor of consistent self criticism of ones own paradigm. The angle of professor farrel about the UFOs being produced by the nazi international is very interesting, but in the end, is not the most impactful, if a single one of thoses UFOs really come out of earth, because the consequences are much greater then.

Answering your question, to see what people are seeing would help me better evaluate how many types there are of those things, the sizes, the different designs and use it to assert if its manmade, or alien made. My direct experience was with something not human, and the nazi UFO hypothesis is really a very strange one, if i take in to account what happened to me. I would never have tought that, if it wasn´t for his books, and i know for a fact that he is right, but i´m concerned with the real implications of a truly alien phenomenon.

Am careful not to be distracted by the obvious and to look behind for the reality - what is the truth hidden behind the distraction.


Holographic technologies; combined w/narrative, and media research?

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How about stock footage? No holographs needed, yet.