HUGE UFO ARMADA ABOVE Earth filmed by NASA live feed


well. it somehow does not feel so exhilarating to see something like this.

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Gives me Babylon 5 vibes.

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Is this aliens from another planet? Aliens from another dimension on Earth? Examples of where the 21 Trillion+ went? Nephilim? Holographs? Just wondering.


Yeah they’re finally here. Let’s get this over and get on with life.

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Gearing up the special-effects for the coming Hollywooded-alien invasion?


Sure seems like it. There were loads of photos similar during Planet X frenzy but, they’re bringing that mess back too.

Or maybe they are in the process of weeding the people who actually study science from the ones who believed it

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Nice photography study.

Had a fleet go over my home on Super Bowl night going at least Mach 2 at 6:39 pm. They were traveling West to East came from between Venus and Jupiter section of sky. I was walking my dog around my lake and admiring Orion when I saw them. I got one photo with my phone. Same fleet was spotted elsewhere but at a dead stop. The photographer has not returned my request for his location as of yet ( probably thinks I’m a MIB) but anyways here’s the Picture. Click on it and expand Picture in middle 20 plus dots, and before I switched camera to video they were gone. Also they were completely silent. Jets that low always make noise, theses were completely silent.


Yes,yes.We know.Apophis or Anubis or what ever. :smirk:


Not NASA live feed and none of it’s real.
HAARP, Rods of God and you don’t think they’re faking videos and other propaganda?
In Warner’s camp on this.

OK!, this made me laugh. The main image for this story is one of my images I produce for stock agencies. The Earth photo is a NASA image and the “saucers” were made in Photoshop. My fellow Gizars can see some of my work at my website, Cosmicvue.


Marc Ward


Thanks, Marc for helping everyone see through the deceptions swirling around us.


Is true? How can i now that this is a true video?

The images are impressive, but where can i check the truth of it?


My, theres is just too many of them.

The web site is: Tales from out there - Blogue (

Tales from out there ,is the key headline, believe it or not! Facts mixed with fiction! Some factual stories some not, discernment!


Very wise words brother, “Trust no one”, as the Cigarrete Smoking Man would tell brother Mulder in X-Files.

Bill, I couldn’t agree more. We should stop wasting time and get it on. As if … :-).

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