Hurricane Helene Exposes Biden-Harris Failure: FEMA Budget Drained by Migrant Spending & Foreign Aid

“Please don’t control the weather”

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I have lived without power for 3 weeks. You are grateful that you had the sense to have a generator, but after 10 days, you probably are ready to run out of fuel to run your generator, even if you have put yourself on a schedule of “off” for 3 hours, on for 2, (you have to put alarms on so you don’t get distracted cutting limbs off your house, cleaning up your driveway to get out…) where do you go for more fuel? Most of the fuel stations are OUT of gas/diesel/propane. Lesson to learn: Know your neighbors, support the people in your community who were already helping people without stipulations (votes, etc.)


We have been using up our fuel also, but still had some left since our power came back fairly quickly compared to your situation, Praying you and others get relief very soon. All the Best to you.

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If possible, switch to geothermal or a combination of solar, geothermal/geomagnetic, and a gas/propane generator as a last resort.

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