Originally published at: https://gizadeathstar.com/2024/06/i-g-farbensantos-new-strategy-get-the-states/

It has been a while since we’ve had to update the GMO scrapbook with the latest news concerning I.G. Farbensanto, but this article spotted and shared by (and with our thanks to) M.W. necessitates an update. Before we get to that, however, first a word to bring more recent readers up to speed about our…


My guess here is also that it is the inactive ingredients in Roundup that are so dangerous; So glypho. by itself is not very toxic, But when combined with the inactive ingredients, it’s terrible.


This topic of GMO plants became a concern for me many years ago, thanks to some of your many interviews on The Byte Show, and with others. They became the main reason my small garden has no GMO plants, none. All of them are from heirloom plants, and from heirloom seed. Another factor being used has been the total absence of the use of any herbicides, or pesticides. Thanks to you, and other people for alerting us to the ‘PLANS’ that some folks are foisting on lots of unsuspecting people.

Of course not everyone will listen. Even ‘vegetarians’ are resistant to the knowledge that the veggies they purchase from their local grocery store have all those ‘poisons’ embedded within their plant fibers. My experience with those who are vegetarians based on their religious teachings since childhood are also resistant to the fact that the veggies they purchase from the grocery stores are harmful to their health.

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But when combined with the inactive ingredients, it’s terrible — and it could be added here - “If you consume in your diet the plants that were sprayed.” Then their is the ‘half-life’ of the active ingredients of the herbicides, which is to be avoided in a person’s diet. Read the labels of these herbicides because they all have a ‘half-life’. Meaning that over a fairly short amount of years the ‘harmful’ ingredients lose much of their strength. So, if a field of soybeans, wheat, corn or ‘whatever’ crop is plowed into the soil then most of the harmful affects will be mitigated.

The other ‘stuff’ to worry over are the clouds and rains. Are the skies being sprayed with certain harmful elements? Most certainly, so that is also a cause for concern. Research Elana Freeland’s work on what has been sprayed into Earth’s atmosphere.