‘I’ve never seen anything like this’: Illegal medical lab discovered in Reedley

I think they’re all in it together somehow, including Russia and China; they’re just jockeying for position at this point. Completely agree with you on the rest of your post.

I’m sorry I can’t read your next post from your phone. Waaay too small for my eyes and won’t expand.
Breaking out my magnifying glass…

Nothing new under the sun since Trump inauguration and its slogan “America First”, and announcing main enemy China. This is just a continuation of that policy on all possible fronts. Also a sign that real seat of power in a country is COG.

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Def involved in that there are Chinese citizens in the mix.

I think we actually agree mostly, i think several sides has gotten promises from the “few people” who are in the position of making these promises.

But i also suspect the various factions are getting a bit paranoid themselves.
The deepstate has a habit of arming dictators/countries/Rebels etc and then later pull the plug.

Alot of nervous goons watching Zelensky getting tossed to the Wolves while they most likely gotten similar assurances as he got before Russia started doing something.

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Yes,we’re half joking now,but I wouldn’t be surprised if that is a year or 3 away.
Maybe even with access only to the part of the internet the Starlink owners want.
Russia and China have their version ready too

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Has anyone considered the possibility that this could be an ANTIFA-esque operation, funded by a Soros or other outside agent of chaos ? it reminds me of train derailments, disappearing chemicals etc.

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I gave the 3 scenarios that seemed best to me and elaborated.
Don’t know what else to say except, it all seems to be rolling real hard now.

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The MIC needs to escalate and/or create new conflicts.

Obviously Taiwan is the next target after Ukraine is drained of blood to suck.
So most likely false flags pointing at the Chinese will be on the menu.
I hope enough people see through it this time.
You dont want to start another race war with everything else going on.

I agree. With the push against Niger and all of Africa now, it’s pretty obvious.

This story keeps changing, which is normal as more info becomes available. According to article, County authorities began their investigation in December 2022 and nothing said about contacting federal authorities at that time. This would be a violation of federal law on Fresno County’s part, if they decided to “handle the matter themselves”.

Something not quite right here. Have to wonder if this is a set-up scenario for the next lockdown? Another lab found somewhere in which something “deadly” has escaped. IDK. COVID being pushed throughout the article and in an, “Oh, but the way…”, they list Rubella, Malaria, etc. as happenstance. Nothing of what is named is immediately deadly. If they really wanted to work a pathogen, there’s hemorrhagic fevers and such, etc. I guess it’s just me being over suspicious. Hmm. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

‘Fairly shocking’: Secret medical lab in California stored bioengineered mice laden with COVID


Thao Nguyen and Saleen Martin, USA TODAY

Updated Tue, August 1, 2023 at 10:36 AM CDT

Inside the warehouse in Reedley, California, where furniture, medical devices and other materials were improperly stored.

A monthslong investigation into a rural California warehouse uncovered an illegal laboratory filled with infectious agents, medical waste and hundreds of mice bioengineered “to catch and carry the COVID-19 virus,” according to Fresno County authorities.

Health and licensing said Monday that Prestige Biotech, a Chinese medical company registered in Nevada, was operating the unlicensed facility in Reedley, California, a small city about 24 miles southeast of Fresno. The company, according to Reedley City Manager Nicole Zieba, had a goal of being a diagnostics lab.

“They never had a business license,” Zieba told USA TODAY. “The city was completely unaware that they were in this building, operating under the cover of night.”

The Fresno County Public Health Department launched its investigation into the facility in December 2022 after a code enforcement officer saw a garden hose attached to a building that was presumed to be vacant and had no active business license, Zieba said.

Further inspection in March revealed that the facility housed various chemicals, suspected biological materials, bodily fluids and hundreds of lab mice, among other lab supplies, according to court documents.

County public health officials said they also found medical devices believed to have been developed on-site, such as COVID-19 and pregnancy tests.

“Being a small, rural town of 26,000 − walking into what we believed to be a vacant building and finding lab supplies, live white mice … was was fairly shocking,” Zieba said.

After several attempts to communicate with Prestige Biotech, Fresno County officials are accusing the company of not being forthcoming with information and failing to comply with orders, such as providing a plan for hazardous and medical waste disposal.

Fresno County Public Health staff completed biological abatement work of all the materials found in the facility by July 7, according to court documents.

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CDC detected at least 20 infectious agents

Zieba said officials had to conduct a separate investigation into the warehouse for several weeks because it was private property.

After authorities discovered that people were working inside the building, Zieba said, federal, state and local agencies joined the investigation, including the county health department and the FBI. Authorities were then able to serve an inspection warrant in March.

“Certain rooms of the warehouse were found to contain several vessels of liquid and various apparatus,” court documents said. “Fresno County Public Health staff also observed blood, tissue and other bodily fluid samples and serums; and thousands of vials of unlabeled fluids and suspected biological material.”

Hundreds of mice also were found at the warehouse, where they were “kept in inadequate conditions in overcrowded cages” with no food or water, according to court documents. An associate with Prestige Biotech told investigators the mice were “genetically engineered to catch and carry the COVID virus,” the documents added.

Under an abatement warrant, the city seized the mice in April and euthanized 773 of them. Nearly 180 mice were already dead, court documents said.

Zieba said officials called in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention after about 30 freezers and refrigerators were found, with some set to minus 80 degrees. The CDC detected at least 20 potentially infectious agents, according to court documents.

“Ultimately, what we did find is some viruses, such as HIV, COVID, chlamydia, rubella, malaria, things of that nature,” Zieba said.

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What is Prestige Biotech?

Prestige Biotech had been operating the unlicensed and unregulated laboratory since October 2022, according to court documents.

Emails between city officials and Xiuquin Yao, the company president, showed that Prestige Biotech had assumed assets from the now-defunct company Universal Meditech Inc. (UMI). Prestige Biotech was a creditor to UMI and became its successor, court documents said.

The assets were then moved to the Reedley warehouse from a site in Fresno, court documents said.

Authorities were unable to find any California-based addresses associated with the company except for UMI’s Fresno location. Court documents noted that other addresses provided were either “empty offices or addresses in China that could not be verified.”

During the investigation, Zieba said the company reported it was making COVID-19 and pregnancy tests with “a goal of being a diagnostics lab.”

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What diseases could have already been spread?! I never trust media anymore

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One of many “Hmm” about this story. You’re right not to trust media, esp. this story.

As one FBI agent I used to fish with told me, “We are a juggernaut of data collection. You will be pinged immediately with certain ethnic names attached to a business. We can set-up situations to nab others involved in illegal activities, etc.”

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