‘I’ve never seen anything like this’: Illegal medical lab discovered in Reedley

What the heck?


Oh now this is VERY interesting! Please keep an eye on this for us?
Wonder if by some happenstance that building happens to burn (or they burn it)?

“not available in your country/region”

Any other “country/region” than my “Norway/Scandinavia” having this issue?
Seems Norway been blocking a LOT of content and sites lately

You may have to install a VPN to route your browsing through. This means your ip address would appear to be in another country that allows you view your requested website. There’s lots of VAN’S out there. Some are free some are not. Finding one that doesn’t store your browsing history may be a chore as many claim they don’t, but in reality do. VPN’s are not a secure way to view illegal ‘stuff’ on the internet. That’s the sort of thing some will report you to the police for, as well they should. I can’t recommend any particular one other than to advise to look into their ownership. Many are connected to spy agencies and former spy agency employees.

Sounds like something the Ukraine would allow. I wonder how many more sloppy ones are hiding in plain sight. This one sounds like a lab whose financing is being siphoned off to line a pocket or two forcing everything else to be done on the cheap. Imagine, connecting a garden hose for water. I wonder what the other end of the hose was connected to.

Not available in the YUK.

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Original article. I think this is posted elsewhere on the the forum.


i have thought about it for a while, but I’m such a nonTech guy with those things.
But Installed ip tv so theres no limit to what i feel i can do now :joy:
Nah but seriously; in a years time youll need biometrics to enter the internet anyways.
thank you for the great tip tho… appreciated

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“I’ve Never Seen Anything Like This”: Mysterious Chinese Bio-Lab Found In Remote California City

Why would a bio-lab run by a shady Chinese company be operating in Reedley, CA in the central San Joaquin Valley?
What was supposed to be an empty building used only for storage was home to a black-market type of lab testing facility.
YourCentralValley.com reports that the discovery was made after a local code enforcement officer noticed this garden hose poking out a back wall of the building.
Public Health staff also observed blood, tissue and other bodily fluid samples and serums; and THOUSANDS of vials of unlabeled fluids and suspected biological material.
Additionally they found 900 genetically engineered mice, engineered to catch and carry COVID-19, living in “inhumane” conditions.
773 of the mice had to be euthanized, and officials found another 178 mice already dead.

Oh, of course it’s Chinese! LOL! A town right in the middle of prime Ag land and known for it’s fruit production. Some authorities were alerted by a hose?! Give me a break! Remember that what’s being printed is what media has been told; no independent investigation, at least not yet. Same pictures used in all the articles I’ve seen thus far and almost exact wording; little variance.

How are they getting rid of the contagion? The entire building and everything in it has to be destroyed, IF this is for real. What perimeter distance will be set around the area? It would not surprise me to see govt officials shutter that entire town. I have to wonder if part of that area will need to be burned?!

Is NATO/Ukraine losing to Russia so badly they have to divert our attention with yet another incident? No doubt in my mind that TPTB want to clear California as much as possible. Is this the start of a new, alleged outbreak that will be used to lock us down again? Biden Admin. is also angry with China because Xi isn’t cooperating with Yellen, Blinken and Nod-off Kissy.

This all smells to high heaven and it ain’t because of dead rats. Real rats are alive and pushing the narrative.


Infectious Agents Found At Bio Lab Included Malaria Rubella HIV And Hepatitis (allnewspipeline.com)

‘Perfect War’ Waged Upon America With Infectious Agents Found At Bio Lab Near California Military Base Including Malaria, Rubella, HIV And Hepatitis - ‘Just The Tip Of The Iceberg’

- Over 900 Mice Found At ‘Bioweapons Delight’ Weaponized To Carry Viruses & Diseases

By Andrea Widburg and All News Pipeline

If you could plan the perfect war, it would be one that would completely destroy your enemy without any cost to your troops or infrastructure. Two recent news reports could be read to mean that China (or enemies of America within!) are preparing, (or more likely, already waging!) precisely that kind of war against the United States.

The first story to break was that, (ALL THE WAY BACK) in March, investigators discovered a Chinese-linked bio lab in Reedley, California, near Fresno. This wasn’t just a rogue blood test operation. Instead, it was a bioweapon delight:

Reedley officials and personnel from CDPH and FCDPH executed a warrant on March 16 to inspect the warehouse at 850 I Street. According to a declaration from Humero Prado, Assistant Director of Fresno County Public Health, which was filed in superior court, investigators discovered that one room of the warehouse was used to produce COVID-19 and pregnancy tests. In other rooms, investigators found blood, tissue and other bodily fluid samples. They also found thousands of vials that contained unlabeled fluids.

“That’s when we found the mice,” said Zieba.

ANP Emergency Fundraiser: The globalists war on ANP is all part of the globalists ‘Big Tech’ effort to silence conservative and independent voices, allowing them to maintain a monopoly on the flow of information. As George Orwell made clear to us decades ago, “The further a society drifts from the truth, the more they will hate those who speak it.” But, with your amazing help, we at ANP promise to keep ‘speaking truth to power’ because, as Orwell also reminded us, "If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."

Over 900 mice were located at the facility. Court documents identify Wang Zhaolin as the Prestige representative onsite during the investigation. Zhaolin informed the investigators that “these mice were genetically engineered to catch and carry the COVID-19 virus.” Court documents describe the conditions under which the mice were housed as “inhumane.”

Court documents confirm the CDC found potentially infectious agents at the location. These included both bacterial and viral agents, including: chlamydia, E. Coli, streptococcus pneumonia, hepatitis B and C, herpes 1 and 5 and rubella. The CDC also found samples of malaria.

That’s bad, but it gets worse. The lab was conveniently located near a major American naval base:

And if that isn’t enough to make you very worried, the Biden administration has a little Chinese malware problem that can disable American military operations. The New York Times reports:

The Biden administration is hunting for malicious computer code it believes China has hidden deep inside the networks controlling power grids, communications systems and water supplies that feed military bases in the United States and around the world, according to American military, intelligence and national security officials.

The discovery of the malware has raised fears that Chinese hackers, probably working for the People’s Liberation Army, have inserted code designed to disrupt U.S. military operations in the event of a conflict, including if Beijing moves against Taiwan in coming years.

The malware, one congressional official said, was essentially “a ticking time bomb” that could give China the power to interrupt or slow American military deployments or resupply operations by cutting off power, water and communications to U.S. military bases. But its impact could be far broader, because that same infrastructure often supplies the houses and businesses of ordinary Americans, according to U.S. officials.

In the modern era, that’s the perfect war: Disable your opponent’s troops physically by bioengineering diseases that will kill or just incapacitate them, and lock down the computer systems on which every aspect of military operations depends. If you really want to go to town, you also use malware to take down the internet. Trump came late in the game to the concept of hardening our infrastructure and didn’t have time to make it happen…and Biden, of course, hasn’t tried at all.

I believe its true. There is also the news story about a mystery buyer that bought up all the land around a military base not far from there. They can’t find out who is behind the buyout but they already own much land around I-5 Interstate highway leading from Portland down into N. California. This is a trend and some states like Florida are trying to enact legislation preventing large real estate purchases by foreign actors.


The government moved its labs like this to places like the Ukraine and Wuhan. This sounds a little like payback, but anyone could have predicted this seeing as how they emulate our culture and Western lifestyle albeit with a Marxist dictatorship bent on world domination. They just take the cue from what the USA is doing. Why would they want this kind of research done in their own homeland?

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NEW — A Mysterious Chinese Lab Has Been Uncovered in California w/ ‘Mice Bioengineered to Incubate the COVID-19 Virus’

“I’ve never seen anything like this…According to court documents experts determined that at least 20 potentially infectious viral, bacterial, and parasitic agents were being stored inadequately including E. Coli, malaria, and even COVID.”

How very prescient of her.

This just keeps getting better and better.
I realize this is a different perspective but try to imagine it, if you will.
If you don’t believe in depopulation or that POTUS and others care what happens to us then, this response isn’t for you.

A warrant was allegedly executed on March 16 yet, the news of what was allegedly found was announced on July 29? I can think of a number of reasons this alleged information was “tucked away”. (See video link below later.)

  1. Biden Conglomerate & US authorities (BC&USauth) watched Chinese come in, set up this camp and let it run until all the human rats were in the trap. This info. was tucked away for future use, as needed. (PRN in medical terms.)
  2. BC&USauth helped fund this lab. See what comes out of it to possibly be used later. Remember Wuhan & Harvard Professor? Tuck that away for future use, PRN.
  3. The ‘lab’ might not be Chinese at all. A sort of shell company using a Chinese name. It’s been done in the past by various people and govts. Tuck that away for future use, PRN. (Ex. Look up Helvetia Pharmaceuticals, what turned out to be a shell company and the history of Dr. Nicholas Bachynsky. This is not the cancer Dr. in Houston but the one in Dallas. The Lyme Disease community has a horrible history with Bachynsky, as patients flocked to his villa in Italy after his release from prison, for his DNP ‘cure’ treatments. I know his history well.)

What is the purpose of this? The purpose is to drive a wedge between China and Russia, using whatever means necessary, including blackmail.

Why drive a wedge between China and Russia? Answer: BRICS!!!

Let’s look at a time line -

Mid-March: Biden Admin is becoming more and more convinced that The Ukraine will not be a winner in a ground war with Russia and therefore, Putin is still out of reach. Biden Admin is continually hitting a wall with China when it comes to splitting up the China/Russia couple. The lab is raided and all is tucked away for future use, PRN.
May: Becoming VERY obvious that Russia has the upper hand in the conflict and Biden/NATO have to find a way to destroy the couple to get Putin out of the way.
June 1: The BRICS Summit Meeting dates are announced. (Biden & others no doubt soiling their diapers.)

Special attention to this. Regardless of what you think of these people, it is their position and authority that is very important.

June 16 - Secretary of State Blinken goes to China.
July 6 - Treasury Secretary Yellen, alone, goes to China. Unprecedented, as far as I can find out.
July 18 - Henry VIII Kissinger goes to China to chat, reminisce and hopefully convince Xi of Biden’s sincerity.

The overtures of these three emissaries are dead in the water. Communications between Biden Admin & Xi continue, until the wall is hit, again.

Hmm. Let’s see, what do we have on tucked away, PRN? Ooooh, it’s a ‘Chinese’ bioweapons lab in a pristine growing region of California! How convenient!

Biden can’t get to Putin; too late for that, so, he’s going after China. Meanwhile, during all this, Biden meets with Modi, who is now ‘waffling’ on joining BRICS and Mexico, a USMCA founding member has asked to be invited to BRICS meeting in August. Quite the quagmire…

This is the way that dirty politics works. I don’t need to be in the upper echelons to recognize it; this happens on local levels too and I’m very familiar with it because of my late uncles position decades ago.

It could also be that this ‘lab’ will be used as the start of an upcoming string of events for another lockdown; a massive fear tactic to be used against us. If we submit, we lose.

For the ‘tuck that away’ reference, see the video attached, min. 2:00 to 2:40.

Clear and Present Danger (1994) - Presidential Cover-Up (full scene)

## Clear and Present Danger (1994) - Presidential Cover-Up (full scene)


There are 4 main categories of physical and chemical means of decontamination:

(1) heat;
(2) liquid disinfection;
(3) vapors and gases; and
(4) radiation

I wonder which they’ll choose?

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Soon we will probably need Starlink to access anything outside of Meta and Google.

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I like where this is headed, i think you are on to something.

Its obvious imo that the deepstate is trying to push this narrative about China.

Im not denying there are Chinese assets involved though.
Just like there is deepstate troops operating all over the entire globe.
Who knows how many cells they have and how its all connected.

But nothing imo points to the “Chinese” being the driving force in the NWO plans.
They are still being used a Proxy by a “Handful of people”