Dear Giza Death Star Community,
You may need ear plugs when you read parts of this because I’m screaming at the top of my lungs! I write today to vent what may come out as a nutty, stream of consciousness rant, but frankly, this is in the only place where I can voice my concerns and comments. This is a unique forum, where I might be heard. God knows it is a blessing. What follows is a slice of my personal history which greatly altered my perceptions and life and the consequences influence me still, and it includes a request.
45 years ago, I published, thru the agency I worked for, a little book.
5 years later, the woman who replaced me when I moved away, contacted me to say another author, a graduate research professor at the University of Florida, had lifted 80 percent of my book (including the typos) and sandwiched it into her new book with no acknowledgment of me, or even fully referencing the title of my work.
I decided to sue for copywrite infringement. But it was doomed from the start, although, much later I realize, it was not an entirely fruitless endeavor. It was not because my case had no merit it was simply I could not afford the legal battle. Being right, doing things as properly as my limited experience prompted me to do while still in the writing process were hamstrung from the beginning by bad legal advice. 5 years after it was published, the difficulties in this course of action were compounded by the indifference of the legal firm I hired to defend my intellectual property. They were the only law firm in town dealing with copywrite issues. Their primary concern was their bottom line. Mine was not going to be any kind of landmark settlement. I was a no body, had no credentials or even a degree at the time. Yet, they strung me along for over a year before I confronted the senior partner.
I will never forget sitting in his elegant office as I expressed my concerns. He got up from behind his huge, beautiful desk, came around it, shoved all the scattered, rolled up architectural plans for his new office building aside, sat down on the space he’d cleared and said with condescending sweetness, “Honey, it’s a complicated situation. You need to let it go,”
He was right of course. I could not afford the justice I sought. But it was a shocking affront, a slap in the face to my youthful, naive view of justice. And at the same time a terrible realization. Me, and anyone else who sought justice, could have all the justice we could afford. I had not understood justice had a price tag I could not afford. Justice had to be bought and paid for. Home of the free, land of the brave had nothing to do with it. Justice is a business.
The aftermath of this left me struggling for weeks with a depth of rage I had never conceived possible in me. It was sickening. I was appalled at the venomous turn of my thoughts. One sleepless night I acutely felt the gravity of all this anger, its pernicious impact on my behavior, health, state of mind and heart. I realized I could not allow this poison to seep any further into my heart and soul. I prayed for my release from the pit of insult and injury to my work and convictions and had to objectively face the history of this episode in my life as a series of hard lessons learned, both political and personal. The Grace of God found me, helped me out of that ugly landscape and sooner than I could have imagined,
Since that experience, there have, of course, been other shocking events, personal and political, but never resulting in the depth of outrage I felt then.
Until today.
I had no great expectations about today’s inauguration. Like a lot of folks, I’m not thrilled about Trump, but was glad to know Biden was out. However, the jolt I haven’t felt for 40 years came cascading out of me when a reporter casually tossed out the fact that, as one of his last-minute official acts, Biden pardoned Anthony Fauci!
It’s difficult not to take this deliberate circumvention of a public trial holding that infamous doctor’s feet to the fire for his assault on me, my family and the rest of the world, as personal. It was, in my opinion, tacit acknowledgement that Fauci, his cronies and our government were knowingly complicit in this diabolical plan to murder, maim and poison every man, woman and child in this country as they laughed, and continue laughing, all the way to the bank.
I had written that book because I was inspired. Because I knew there was a need for it in my community and, that I could do a good job of it, credentialed or not. I chose to sue the other author because her slanted views on the same subject, her manipulative use of my work for her own ends and the total abdication of her professional and collegiate standards as a graduate research professor needed to be called out. (I suppose, back then, before the concept of alternative research ever reached my consciousness my work fit that description.) I was a young woman motivated by principle, not avarice. But had I not pursued that a legal course of action, I would not have had the veil of my naivete ripped away, nor have begun to face the hard reality of our judicial system on a very personal level. I don’t regret my actions. However, I evidently have not been relieved of my ingrained sense of principles nor spared the unsought cascade of rage when they are violated. Once again, I have been denied redress for the injury and insult of that genocidal vaxademic foisted upon myself, my family, all Americans and every citizen on this planet!
Probably greatest differenc between these two experiences is that no one else was aware of my previous excursion into the legal realm. I was in a new town, new state and had no friends at that point. I suffered that rage alone even as I learned so much from it. But now, the last 5 years has affected the whole world, whether people are aware of it or not! The stalwart minority who do their best to bring the issues forward are met with ridicule, disbelief and dismissed as dissidents, communists, anti-American…you know the template, you’ve probably been tarred by the same brush. Now, 40 years on, acquaintances, even my family, dismiss my insights, experience, and view my observations as extreme, over the top, outdated hippy-fied and boring. Not worthy of discussion. I gave up on organized religion long ago, but that door was slammed permanently when all the churches close their doors during the lock down. Seems religions, like justice, are a business too.
Well, the point of all this is to say the thing I know for sure is rage left alone to fester is an impotent, volatile, expensive waste of energy unless it can be transformed. So, I’m praying for God’s Grace to hear me yet again, to illuminate a path to transform this latest eruption into tangible, practical, humanly positive ways to redress and dissolve this ongoing criminal assault against us, and Him. The other thing I now know, thanks in part to Dr. Farrell’s webinar discussing the work of Dr. William Teller on the mechanics of prayer (proper form, matter, intention) is that it works even better when it’s a group effort.
Here’s where you come in.
If I may be so bold, I humbly invite you to pray with me on this particular topic. Keep it short and specific, say it aloud. For this particular prayer I’m setting a schedule for twice a day, at 10 a.m. and 10 p.m. (E.S.T.) if you’d care to synchronize with me. But really, a steady stream round the clock could never go amiss.
Since you’ve read this far, I thank you for your kind indulgence.