Immanuel Velikovsky - Bonds of the Past - CBC Documentary 1972

A documentary for those not well known to Velikovsky and his work.


Thanks for posting this!! Check out “Remembering The End of The World” by David Talbott!! Talk about collisions?!!! :innocent:

That would be this, yes?

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No, I don’t think that is the one…as the title is “Remembering The End of The World”. I think it was done back in the 90’s & it was David Talbott…before…Thunderbolts Project…IF I am remembering this correctly.
I’m a 78 yr old Grandma; sometimes not clicking on all 8 cylinders!! :wink:

Rise Catastrophists
Down with the Uniformitarians✊

Heya, the post you replied to is named " the end of the world ", :wink:
Have a nice day