Thank you kindly for the reply and opinion on what it might be. You are more familiar with the region; it is helpful to learn what is normal.
With regard to weather, fires and even earthquakes it seems… normal does not always mean natural. Geoengineering on a global scale has been going on for decades now. Weather ceased being normal years ago, despite what Ari and team at the Weather Channel (IBM) tell us daily.
I agree with your expectation that the region will have some crop fires as there are hundreds of thousands of acres with harvested rice crops. Below are some photos from internet of field burning. One has a plume somewhat similar to those supplied to me from a recent flyover, one of which I posted. Also per the internet, burning is cost effective at removing the old organic material and it kills potential pests; both important for the next crop. It makes sense to see fires. But as seen in the other three photos, this is stubble and grass, which have much less mass and will burn quickly and much cooler as compared to raging wildfires that consist of chaparral, dense forest floor brush, and large trees. Grass and stubble fires also burn in a definite line forming a growing region of burnt blackened grass (cooling), the line of active fire (hottest), adjacent to the field of unburnt grass (cold). Of course wind is a factor like always. Also there is speed of the fire. The NOAA images are a series of snapshots taken once every five minutes. The New Madrid black dot images may or may not be preceded by a gray dot. But to go from no dot, to gray dot, to black dot in 15-minutes, with an accompanying tall plume of smoke discernable from the satellite, requires more than a crop fire. Incidentally, some of those days that I saw plumes in the New Madrid area, they were quite windy and in my opinion, very risky for Farmer Bob to even attempt burning. Just my armchair opinion.
I contend that “natural” fires lit by Farmer Bob will not even show up on the NOAA IR image at all; but if one happens to be really roaring, the dot will be a light gray and nowhere near black. After studying the relationship of wildfire plume height, diameter and volatility, some serious heat is required for a black dot. It is matter of the mass temperature, heat persistence/duration and distribution of heat over the 2km surface area. Even today at 12:00 noon the Sequoia Natl Forest fires (KNP, Windy) are still burning with large (but not volcanic) plumes in wind, but are a medium gray dot. My conclusion is they are not being pounded with DEWs today, despite the wind. Black dots mean a lot of surface heat and I contend that even wind-driven forest fires cannot cause black dot conditions without external heat being applied. The KNP-Windy fires last week were sickening to watch (below). These giant sequoias survived hundreds even a thousand years worth of fires and suddenly, this single drought decade (as opposed to others in history) are sufficient to destroy them. Supposedly, these forests were managed, too.
You and other readers do not have to agree with me, nor do I have to prevail in this discussion. I am investing a lot of time to present it to all y’all, if for nothing else, to plant it in the back of your minds, so when something big and bad happens, drawing upon it may help see past the lies you’re being told. We live in the Propaganda Age and I hate it. So hard to see through the lies. It is an evil age.
Presence of black dots in Arkansas and Missouri is not a natural phenomenon; therefore, like weather not being natural anymore, it means man is involved and that is not good. The daily patterns suggest intentionality. I am confident DEWs exist because they are a logical step in weapons development with each nation pursuing advancements so as to not become subject to other nations pursuing the same thing. There is plenty of information on the internet to support this, some from our own defense contractors and the military. They exist. Who has them, who is using them, I don’t know. It is just like the weather. One or more nations has the keys to the weather and they are not benevolent. That is mind blowing, actually.
Weather is the ultimate weapon and we, the United States, are being attacked and we do not even know it. So successful is the Climate Change lie, so easy to lob it at every disaster, so easy now to dismiss those who see behind the curtain as kooks and conspiracy theorists, so easy to provide the solution. Where are those who are supposed to protect us??
Thesis, antithesis, synthesis. Screw-up the weather real bad (secret geoengineering), provide tough, liberty-eliminating solutions (public geoengineering, eliminate oil, coal, crush the US Constitution and its devotees, and whatever else Greta deems appropriate), and control/enslave the world (one world govt, elite and serfs). I actually believe all that… because patterns don’t lie. The Bible, world history, current events, even the lies themselves, all demonstrate where we are headed and a few degrees of global warming CANNOT be responsible for what is going on. Like Covid and vaccines, the lies though, are really, really big.
Admittedly, for all this to be happening, it requires incredible material resources, money, personnel, aircraft, etc., and more than anything, secrecy and propaganda. Other than what information has leaked out on the internet, I have zero proof. I have a lot of satellite data, a lot of photos of weather and chem spraying, from which I draw all these wild conclusions, but I do not have a smoking gun. I don’t care. For those who have eyes to see.
I digress. Back to the intent. DEWs seem to create a lot of surface heat as the energy beam penetrates the surface. Learning that the Arkansas-Missouri hits are along the New Madrid and Reelfoot fault lines was revelatory; many (but not all) of the California fires are on fault lines. Dixie, KNP and Windy were hammered relentlessly with DEWs. The burning (volcanic) forests provide such great cover for use of them to loosen up whatever is deep below. They cannot do that for New Madrid, so it now makes great sense that the daily peppering permits them to hide behind the natural burning.
So grahammcb, if the weather today has permitted decent viewing from the air, I hope amongst the many fires (I checked, they are happening) there are a few along your route that are discernably explosive (poof, pop, plume) as compared to the slow starting natural ones. Let us know if you see something that is “out of the ordinary.”