Interesting! .. Gods of the Bible .. Graham Hancock and Mauro Biglino


Having been a Hebrew Scholar all his life, it is interesting to hear Mauro’s idea on things. Why does it NOT matter if we received a correct translation of the book upon which Western civilization has been built?! :thinking:

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Darn this was interesting. Thanks for posting. Gods of the Bible should be an interesting read.

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Almost not found his name around here at all.

The man appears to be a proper researcher, and I do not like his findings, in short, Jahwe was a guy from somewhere else among many others. of course, possessing advanced technology.

I surely would love to hear JPF’s take on him. Is there any article / video from Joseph ?

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Maybe this could help.Well in a way,not all the way.

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Oh wow @Divergent ! The Byte Show…

So yeah, he is on board, and that work load of 2 - 3 years from the Byte Show video has apparently been undertaken by Mauro & comp.

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Yup…great balls(like the Sun,for example) are fire, i.e.plasma…