Interesting take on Graphene

GRAPHENE: The Mesh of God

I am very abundant in Nature,

I am hexagonal like a mesh of chicken wire,

I am a crystalline form of Carbon, much harder than diamond

proudly stronger than steel, far lighter than aluminium,

my thickness can be 1 atom thin, and am used in electronics, and other industries like optical, chemical, magnetic and thermal super-conductors.

I am good at repelling water, retarding flames, yet mysteriously I am transparent!

My best trick is that I can even transform light into electricity,

and in the medical world I can prevent the proliferation of bacteria.

I pride in being ecological, and remain forever as your humble servant.

My applications will keep accumulating in your material world as we begin to work together. One day I will take you down a wormhole and turn your inside outside.

Who Am I?

I am Graphene aka The Mesh Of God.

Jain 108

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