This is why we, as Texans, need to remind a governor who wants to be re-elected that he could do some Operation Popeye (Viet Nam era) cloud seeding for a drought-stricken state. H E L L O!
Thanks Marcia. Would love to see the video they discuss about Ian - the one Wigington said he was sending Mike. do you know where to find it? @marcia
He is probably showing him the weather map that looks like multiple explosions like green blotches that light up from South Carolina going inland to Kentucky and up. Someone had it on Telegram and mentioned Operation Popeye. That is what reminded me of the weaponized weather for Viet Nam (Johnson era- there is a speech you can google where he says we can control the world if we can control the weather).
Thanks Justa. This is very interesting.
“Exploding Carolinas Syndrome”.
Hm. Does anyone have a link to these pix?