Originally published at: https://gizadeathstar.com/2025/03/iowa-pondering-law-stripping-vaccine-company-immunity/
It’s about time! As you might have guessed from the headline to today’s blog, the state pushback against big pharma immunity from vaccine damages might be in the works, for according to this article shared by W.G. (with a big thank you for finding it), Iowa may be starting a trend: Bill would ban vaccines…
It IS about time. I believe that big pharma was already going to be dealt a death blow with new technologies about to be rolled out, but let’s open the door for putting these criminals away!
I like the idea that this may weaken future vaccine/pandemic attempts.
This was posted on the main blog, but it is important to also post it here, so read this very, very carefully -
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) owns the patent for SARS-CoV (the virus responsible for SARS) isolated from humans. In 2007, the CDC filed a petition with the patent office to keep its coronavirus patent confidential. It also owns patents for detection methods and for a kit to measure the virus.
Read this next part very, very, very carefully:
By law, one cannot patent naturally occurring DNA. If SARS-CoV is natural, then the patent obtained for it by the above-mentioned Centers for Disease Control is illegal. On the other side is this: If the SARS-CoV was manmade then the patent is legal, but then that seems to lead to a a very serious situation since the creation of that virus would be a serious violation of the biological weapons treaties, and the laws it put forth. So, either way, the CDC may have very likely, to put it politely, engaged in what any thinking Person would ‘label’ as being nothing short of 'illegal activity."
Now an honest review of the Joe Bidenesse Administration could lead to or would occur to any ‘thinking Person’ to stop listening to or believing whatever a ‘medical doctor’ prescribes as a medication, or vaccination for the prevention of a condition that has no real, natural cure.
Hoosiers for Medical Liberty tried this in Indiana this year.
It died in committee but its a start and other states will see these
bills and try them in their states.