Iran/Israel A Diversion From What Could Be The Most Important Trial Of Our Lifetime?!

Regardless of how I or anyone else feels about Trump, this is important; the first and only such trial in U.S. history.
Are we being ‘distracted’?
Is there more than the trial going on that ‘they’ think diversion is needed?

No doubt some attention will be directed to both events.
On display for both is the ability to destroy people with impunity to maintain power over others using the political process.

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And the WHO vote is coming up in 2 weeks!
Everyone, PLEASE call your dupe in WDC!

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This was recorded in late March. From start of this video to min. 31:00 is quite good! IDK who is ultimately behind Baltimore harbor but I pretty much agree with what is said. Pick up video again at min. 56:45, then you can decide if you want to go back and listen to the other portions.

According to BLO’C, BiBi hates Trump & Trump hates BiBi, which many of us already know. Okay, well, where does that lead us? Anyway, first 31 minutes is real spot on, IMO.

Not Israel but same difference in reporting.

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This could be the most important trial in our lifetime! Think of the repercussions…

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…not enough people care.