Is Biden Truly So Demented, or, Is He Being Drugged?

Recall the early days of 2021 with issues of wrinkled face masks - NOT the medical kind - ? Frequent issues. Naming of B actors playing the part, etc. Not so much recently, it seem out of sight, out of mind).

As to DC. Plenty of vids, photos, witness accounts over the months re: vacant / boarded-up gov buildings, etc. - including construction of.fence around WH with recent vids. Of explosives in the windows… of course one must look away from electronic games and make an effort to… oh well.

My question. Congressional activity. Same place? (apparently).


First I heard of explosives in windows - could you explain?

It happens almost overnight in cases. I’ve dreamed an ET group figured they could asymmetrically control us with virus’s and alter our dna with injections using mRNA tech. Willing humanbrids lining up to get jabbed because less than 1% of unvax’d get hospitalized and 1% of them may die but nearly all will be comorbidity caused !!! Go figure? Like will not compute will robingsome! Eh? Why ET taking advantage of docile timid easy to mind control humanbrids? Unknown what change did they make to us this time? Unknown. But this we know for sure, like Fauci lying about the definition of gain of function research and blaming it on the January insurrectionists!!!wtf? Lol lol the definition of evolution small changes over millions of years, opposite of the word transformation, where major changes happen overnight, these two opposites are now co-opted into the same thing and mean change period irrespective of time. Otherwise genetic “transformation” may be “discovered” by ingenious dna scientists looking at alteration points along the dna strand of human beings. What is a human being? Really? Altered states evolving? Frankenbeing? Virus our friend right? This one turns us all into? Insert your idea here….if at some point we’re privy to the fact that a dna timeline does exist it’s mapped, alteration points exist on it and can be accurately dated, my feeling is these dates will coincide with dates of major pandemics…I sure miss the good Dr. F especially on Thursdays life is yucky without him…

@brandolino What has that to do with Biden?
@AllenSimco I’ve heard & read all that as well, but it doesn’t make it true.

There’s another possibility - that he is simulating dementia (with chem assistance, for sure) in order to make it impossible to prosecute him when the time comes. Not so much so that he doesn’t do time or be executed, but so that, there being no trial, much evidence that could have been brought out about other major actors will never be revealed.

I’ve heard of a couple of trials where either the hearings were abandoned or the sentence was commuted due to dementia in the accused, who later had a miraculous recovery from an irrecoverable condition. The only one I can name atm is the notorious trial in the UK, of one of the Guinness family - presumably for financial misdeeds, but I haven’t looked it up.

For what would you expect him to be prosecuted & executed?
You don’t think 2 brain surgeries is enough to call him legally damaged?

I think 100% that Biden is under strong drugs!
And not one or 2, but a combination of different drugs, actually a real coctail. Stuff to keep him going & stuff to make him at the same time calm & under control.

There is no way this is only dementia!
I worked long time ago in a seniors care home with many people having dementia, also my grandma had dementia,

NONE of them acted like Biden!

DJ calls Biden “Stepford Biden” and this is exactly what Biden is! Completly Mindcontrolled
(with Drugs)!


its kinda wierd to ‘heart’ a comment on stepford biden, but hey, these r demanding times…

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Yeah, he acts drugged to us too.
I always thought the “Stepford” reference was The Stepford Wives, when they were turned into robots; at least, the first, original film was.

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jacko v2.0:
“remember the clones, with we fell in love, remember the times…”
robotic, hm?

Just wondering if we are looking at a brain machine interface . Like real time trail of the technology. Any thoughts?


Google subject. Lots of info.

Didn’t hear about this. What did she say?

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Reba, scroll down about half way through the article - the video is there.

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It’s irrelevant and for a fan of Dr Farrell it’s petty and partisan. We’ve had presidroids throughout history. Ronnie Raygun was lost in the twilight of his reign, Ford appears mentally stunted, his elevation a payback payoff for his going mute on ufos and jfk, Jimmy Cauta was afflicted, Bush Jr was either drunk or punchy at times, god bless these murderers their job was not one I could nor would do. Biden just another droid. There’s been many just in my life time. Dumbombo, has about as much power, as a citizoid, as Mark Twain did, why the exploitive fear mongering? It’s amazing Huell Howser would say! RIP, but irrelevant man irrelevant soooo who the F cares!! Votes are fake, think Chinese govt polls! Lol lol nooo credibility, any food chain pyramid here has the US military at the top of it, I’d suggest we all never forget that ultimately we’ve all been drafted have zero civil rights due to the perpetual never ending national emergency!! We’re all government serfs. Period and it’s humiliating to see Media, a new branch of govt, on planet Pfizer, controls us, because the human is weak, ignorant, easily influenced thru media, in denial at all times!! It’s like fish in a tank arguing about the raining fish food! And those big moving creatures they see outside the glass of their aquarium…don’t worry, it’s just swamp gas and the food just magically shows up!! Don’t worry … be ???

I don’t think it’s petty and partisan at all to ask a question.
As for a “fan” of Dr. Farrell, my opinions & self-worth do not depend upon what he says.
Go rave at someone else.

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Your totally influenced by Dr Farrell or you wouldn’t be here, as for petty, your write up is, and partisan, yes without disclaimer subjective, the fact is reading your post “s” is a cumulative insufferable pity party. Disingenuous are you? Deceptive? As I try to find humor in Dr Farrell and his negative after negative never a positive note, now the predicted health issues as if we’re oblivious indestructible!! It’s a tough sell I really took my time as boring as it is the nazi subject was and is very deadly relevant. Serious as homeland security and its new memo that you disagree with anything they say then your fomenting revolution and your a terrorist. We will soon see regular citizens with progressive or libertarian positions getting censored banned or imprisoned. It’s just the beginning. Every group is infiltrated, every word digested, every profile studied, everyday every keystroke. This is not constitutional, but, I can see it happening. You can deny your words you can delete or alter your posts, but we read yours. So no need to lie or pretend. Biden a complete disaster getting skewered for looking senile again? Pile on the ol fart? Pretend you were born yesterday ? Young or dumb or lying? We’ve all been there!!

Actually, there’s lots of things in which I disagree with Dr. Farrell.
You can always stop reading my posts and this is the last time I will acknowledge you, so knock yourself out.

Rasputin making Biden look sane! Dr Who? Wtf? I pay zero attention to “who” only what I’m reading. This type of exchange is “not personal” it’s weak to be emotional towards sources of information or opinion that’s uncomfortable. I do not notice people online, I don’t claim to know anyone named Farrell I’m not religious nor political. I get book ideas, float test theories simulations and once in a while I use them !! :moneybag:some folks are emotional and personalize the internet lol as if one needs any additional distress in this short life lol any second China is moving on islands near Taiwan and beginning it’s staging to invade and like Rasputin he will threaten the world with nukes if we do anything so it’s like just end this experiment right it didn’t work really