Is CV19 really H1N1.....? this is scary----

Check this out! What Fauci says and this guys response!
Min. 10:40 & forward.

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Well, well, wellā€¦Fauci playing Fauciā€¦green outfitsā€¦hardly any flu deaths this year - this is pretty sickening. It used to bother me when I realized the USSA wanted to kill me but now, not phased at all. I check the ingredients in everything I drink, eat, soaps, laundry detergents, small appliances, personal products or make organic products myself. I know I am not paranoid because everything I have checked has been full of toxins, PFAS, etc. we have been forced to change out everything we have used in the past because of all the toxins. And, it is still a full time job.


Even more depressing subject, in this video starting at around ten minutes in (if the link even opens from Clouthub) a chicken processor told Dr Merritt that there were problems w/young chickens laying eggs and then suddenly over 3,000 young chickens stopped laying eggs. After autopsies were done, it revealed that the young chickensā€™ pelvises had shrunken down (post menopausal diagnosis). Sounds like what happened to women during the plandemic. And YES, the chickens had been vaccinated. Now, if all the major egg manufacturing cos in the USSA are vaccinating the chickens and with eggs in much of what we eatā€¦

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Oh no, Fauci said, ā€œWell, not any [flu cases] last yearā€. Exactly as shown in the work Cullen did. Not saying Cullen is right about everything, but leave it to a Data Analyst to bust it up, and I think he might have.

Yeah, everything is filled with toxins, even well-filtered water. One of the reasons Iā€™ve made it this far with my health conditions is drinking/cooking with distilled water.

Interesting about the chickens, thank you. I sent to my friends who raise their own.

I probably wonā€™t live to see it (too old), but hoping The U.S.A. and all the world eventually stands up and defeats these twisted people. The only problem is that afterward, they need to understand they can never let down their guard again. Evil people and evil doing is like water; if thereā€™s the slightest opening, the water will find it and flow through.

Thanks for the correction as my mind/memory is gone.

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Ah, not a correction :slightly_smiling_face: , just a dead giveaway on Fauciā€™s part that burned in my mind real hard. :grimacing:

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And, after seeing all the things written years before the Cullen interviews, I think he was an opportunist.

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Theyā€™re ALL opportunists. Iā€™m looking for the one(s) who make the most sense.

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The mentacide is working!


Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Nobody is immune.

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@ntwess It looks like the plan might be to cover-up the jab deaths with bird flu diagnoses. This Jones vid has lots of articles and embedded videos I looked up and were easily located. Not going to post them here. The date of Dr. Mullisā€™ death is indeed very suspicious.

OK people, lots of what everyone has written or expressed as their "opinion, or researchā€™ is OK. What everyone is ā€˜missingā€™ in the COVID thingy is that Dr. Charles Lieber sort of started this entire mess by creating a new LIFE FORM. Also, Dr. Anthony Fauci is deeply mired in the entire operation.

I probably need to start digging back through my archived news articles, and references for more details. But for now please just take my ā€˜wordā€™ on this whole mess about COVID because it is a whopper-dozy that most of would say it borders on ā€˜dis-beliefā€™ because it can not be found on any of the current, so-called ā€˜newsā€™ stories.

So, Dr. Charles Lieber ā€˜createdā€™ a new lifeform through the use of nanowire technology, i.e. he found a way to ā€˜insertā€™ a nanowire sized transistor device into a living virus cell. Then he was able to ā€˜re-codeā€™ a part of a virusā€™s cell and change its DNA. It is only a another way of saying he found a way to change the virusā€™s ā€˜instructionsā€™ with how to replicate itself.

Now here is where the ā€˜storyā€™ diverges, and becomes murky. One of the story-lines say the technology went to the Wuhan labs in China, and another one says it went to a Level 4 lab in Canada, and another says it went that notorious biolab in Maryland. Weird thing is this, all these story accounts are probably true. Why? Because it obfuscates, and protects the guilty parties since no ā€˜oneā€™ lab is responsible for all of it. Thatā€™s all hogwash anyways because those ā€˜folksā€™ have been engaged in all sorts of nefarious acts since at least the 1930ā€™s.

One of the other places the technology went was to Nairobi, Africa by way of a Canadian doctor who at that time was considered to be the most knowledge person on the COVID virus.

Or, it could be that the whole operation is so ā€˜chopped-upā€™ re-stitched together like a Frankenstein-type creature that nobody has all the answers. A person also must come to the realization that those folks who are against us are diabolically insane.

More details could be given here, but my time is so limited that I must gather-up some more of the details, and facts that I saved on the matter. One very important piece of this whole COVID ā€˜puzzleā€™ is that one of the most important factors was the story-line had to be obscured, or hidden, by way of dividing the ā€˜pieces AND partsā€™ of the ā€˜missionā€™ into little-itty-bitty pieces. So, start thinking about a ā€˜jigsaw puzzleā€™.


Then you would be highly interested in reading Bill10558 sugestion of a pdf humdinger! Free to boot!


Hereā€™s the PDF Neru referenced. The author also has a book for purchase out this month.
He pulls tougher what Dr. Farrell has said all along, the Nazis did not go away after WWII and never surrendered either. They went underground.


I know about Lieber and left a number of questions for Cullen and others to answer. Will see if that happens. One of the questions is, ā€œHow, exactly did it get here (Wuhan/Canada/WI University)?ā€ There are deaths in my area, one in particular, which occurred in early January 2020, with symptoms of a hemorrhagic flu, and Wuhan, Canada, nor WI were on the itinerary, but Middle Eastern countries were, primarily Israel.

Nobody on the outside knows the whole story and thatā€™s probably their aim. As you said, if itā€™s segmented and chopped up, it keeps absolute blame at bay and everyone busy


Thereā€™s E. lethargica, as Cullen & others postulate, and hereā€™s another form of Encephalitis. In keeping with Australia (& England?) being prime testing grounds?

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Saw this today from Meryl Nass and am guessing they must be desperate to shut down Finlandā€™s food supply -

Finland to offer bird flu vaccine to select groups of people, a possible global firstā€“but will they tell the human subjects that 5x as many people who got the Audenz bird flu vaccine vs placebo died??

They are targeting farm workers. Another method to reduce the food supply?


And Dr. Malone appears to get upset whenever anyone disagrees with him, especially early on when he first came out. He has always been suspect to me.


Yes, thanks Bill. I have been following Dr. Farrellā€™s work since 1995. That is when he did a long series of interviews with Georgeann Hughes on The Byte Show. Although some of his views have been altered a bit since those early days much of it is still quite relevant today.

Dr. Farrell and Dr. Scott de Hart [who has a Doctorate in English Literature from Oxford] did a very good interview together on Transhumanism, which was also very revealing on the methods being employed to deceive, and change Humanity.

None of the above means I have a full understanding on these topics since I am just a back country hick from the Great Smoky Mountains. So, I take no offense whenever someone corrects any misunderstandings that I may have on any topic of interest. Thanks for any help, or clarifications.

Yeah, Beaver. Iā€™ve read at least 3 different accounts on how Covid was started, and then introduced into the human population. In my opinion they all could have a bit of truth in them because there would likely have been several attempts at spreading it all around the Earth.

Iā€™ve found with these guys itā€™s more ego than anything, and Iā€™m sure he got a lot of pushback when he first presented.

Agree. Where did it originate is the question I most ask now. I get the feeling that no matter the answer, Dr. Fauci will be directly in the crosshairs.

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