Is CV19 really H1N1.....? this is scary----

Reference -

Was The Vax For Something Else | Dr. Scott Jensen, Dave Collum, John Cullen (TPC #1,429)




This is absolutely plausible and likely true. I’ve heard partial explanations of these circumstances, but this particular presenter puts it all together better than others I’ve viewed.

Thank you very much for posting this!

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Very shortened version:
Special attn Min. 13:40


“8 cases of H5N1 on Earth, 3 in America, so BARDA just bought 4.8 million vaccines.”

Just like what happened with ‘Covid’. What is going on? The video is from May 31, 2024.

Start min. 26:45

What Trump allegedly lied about:
Min. 23:45

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Good watch, especially after watching a Clif High video from 2020 yesterday. He states that there had been flu outbreaks every 100 years since the 1620’s. Start at 5 min and it gets more interesting -


Thanks @ntwess I saw the video when it was first released.

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And, there are more things coming out …

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Quote from a book I’m reading…,

A better term than “fifth-generation warfare,” I propose, is “Omniwar.” The key thing to understand is that the transnational ruling class has weaponised everything against the population, as indeed it must to subdue billions of people. The war is being waged in every conceivable domain, yet in ways that are intended to remain concealed as far as possible. Corbett (2022b), for instance, discusses information warfare (cf. Webb, 2020, 2022; Turley, 2022; Shir-Raz et al., 2022), neurological warfare (cf. Giordano, 2017, 2018), biological warfare, and economic warfare, and notes the “wider operation to manipulate, control and weaponize all aspects of our environment, our food supply [cf. Corbett, 2023] and even our genome itself for the purposes of the ruling oligarchs.” To this list we might add:
• psychological warfare (Scott, 2021a);
• the “necrosecurity” (Lincoln, 2022) of the “lockdowns,” which
medical doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi immediately warned would create “millions of casualties” (Stringham, 2020), which 500 + doctors branded a “mass casualty incident” (“A Doctor a Day Letter,” 2020), and which have caused immeasurable harm (Bardosh, 2023; Harrison, 2023);
• 5G (rolled out despite lack of adequate safety testing and known harm to human health.


@ntwess thanks for posting this video link. It explains a lot for me that I questioned from the get-go. I definitely shared this.

I used to follow John Cullen on the Las Vegas psyop.

I will definitely be checking out these video links that @beaver posted. Thank you.

@Bill10558 that book sounds very interesting.


It’s a humdinger as to connecting all the dots…
Available for free reading here.


@Sal2lee If you’ve watched the long version of the video, no need to really watch what I attached, which are shortened versions. The one thing that was said in a short version is that the original paperwork on all this information might have been what FBI was looking for at Maralago.


For those who just can’t deal with spending 2.5 hours right now watching a video, and self-admission; I hate long videos (which is why I publish markers), here’s one just over an hour. The attached video has enough in it to relay understanding, but for major/minor details, you have to watch long version.

Recorded in May 2024


You all need to understand that there ARE NO VIRUS “GERMS”. There ARE strands of RNA that show up when there is a toxin and they will code for something - usually to fend off the problem. This is NOT the problem- it is the body trying to create a solution. If you train all the doctors and vets that seeing these RNA strands means there is a virus, you have chaos and fear based stupid decisions. Then train them to $$$$ make money using hypodermic needles and VOILA.

THERE ARE NO PANDEMICS - just Controlled Financial Opportunities.


If you want to waste time on video’s.


Right. They gave those strands a name. They called them viruses.

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This book really connects the dots and brings back horrible memories while reviewing it. And now, all the rush for bird flu vaxxes…

Thank you!

Dr. Malone came out against Cullen’s opinion and Malone won’t produce any documentation, etc. or debate Cullen on the issue. I don’t know what’s going on. It’s always something it seems.


well, now, everywhere I look I find so many older things I missed. I am sure you have seen these -

bill10558’s posting of “Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the
War for Technocracy" has certainly connected the dots and brought it all together for me. I had information overload amnesia for awhile there.

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Thanks @ntwess Happy exploration!

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